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Taking Bets on Conviction
Published on September 28, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Tom Delay was indicted today by the same man who tried 3 times to get Kay Bailey Hutchinson before a judge (and failed all 3 times).  The indictment is one count of Conspiracy.  Not as in a plot, but as in he talked about doing an illegal activity.

One count.  Ok, so now the blood suckers at DU are in an orgy.  Let them.  They did not seem to be so blood thirsty when Clinton was found guilty of perjury, but that is selective amnesia.

No, this is just a question for anyone who wants to answer.  What are the chances he will be convicted?  The liberals like dean have already tried and convicted him.  But he will be tried by saner people than those blood lust leeches.  So who thinks he will be convicted?

The charge is not even real.  For to get it, Ronnie Earl had to define a PAC as a corporation.

Sidebar, if he suceeds in that definition, watch out moveon and other moron dot orgs!

Any takers?  You can name your odds.

on Sep 28, 2005
Remember the Independant Council statute you liberals loved?  You villify Starr, but that was your finger prints on the knife in clinton's back.  tsk tsk.
on Sep 28, 2005
If it goes to trail I will be suprised, inditements are a dime a gross.

But the left never lets anything like justice get in there way, DeLay has already been tried and sentenced by the left, conservative have no civil rights only terrorist do.
on Sep 28, 2005
Convicted? Since when does that matter. They'd be HAPPIER if he's aquitted, because then they can howl about how corrupt the good-ole-boy system is.

And anyway, to the people you are talking about an indictment is as good as a conviction. Hell, a RUMOR is as good as a conviction to the asshats over at DU. It's telling that in all the furor we've seen for over a year, this is the best they could do.
on Sep 28, 2005

But the left never lets anything like justice get in there way, DeLay has already been tried and sentenced by the left, conservative have no civil rights only terrorist do.

So true.  Facts matter not to them.  Just the person.  just ask Howlin howie

on Sep 28, 2005

Convicted? Since when does that matter. They'd be HAPPIER if he's aquitted, because then they can howl about how corrupt the good-ole-boy system is.

Not quite.  They howl regardless.  It is the rich republicans getting away with it.  It does not have to be good ole boys.