Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on September 28, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Apparently, a bunch of Atheist got all up in arms when  TV anchor man used a cliche to describe the effects of Katrina.  He innocently said "There are no atheists in Foxholes or Hurrican Zones".  Now most would just note the comment and focus on the gist of the story.

Not so thin skinned atheists.  They got up in arms over the mere thought that they may have said a prayer during Katrina (no one accused them of it).  It seems the only people who have to be or are tolerant of opposing views are religious people.  For the most part, they accept atheist and let them be.  It is a shame that the clowns that have no god but themselves cant be tolerant of other people as well.

I have no problem with atheist, in the past.  But seeing the intolerance of them around the country and here on JU, I have about had it with their intolerance.  You want to get in my face because you dont like my beleifs?  Then dont be surprised when I start shoving them in your face!

Or more simply, expect to be done to you, what you do to me.

on Sep 28, 2005
Never have so many took so much they don't believe in so seriously. ;~D
on Sep 28, 2005're advocating tolerance for cliches?
on Sep 28, 2005

Never have so many took so much they don't believe in so seriously. ;~D

It makes one go Hmmmmmmm.  You know?  I mean if we were making a Muslim swear allegiance to a Christian God, I could see the outrage.  That would be sacrilege to them.  But what does it cause an atheist to say god?  Nothing.  It is just a word to them and holds no belief overtones.  So why are they so thin skinned?  Me thinks that it is because they doubt themselves and their beliefs. So that any thing that does not fit into their beliefs is a threat to their existence.

Which means they are pretty shallow people.

on Sep 28, 2005're advocating tolerance for cliches?

No, I am advocating tolerance for the people who say them.  Cliches may just be a lazy way of making a point, but the reason they are in the language is to communicate an idea in a very little amount of words.

on Sep 28, 2005
Nah...I'm just intolerant of spelling mistakes.....

on Sep 28, 2005

Nah...I'm just intolerant of spelling mistakes.....

Guess you hate my articles as I am king of spelling mistakes!

on Sep 28, 2005
I PRAY that the atheists have a good excuse when they meet the "MAN"
on Sep 28, 2005're advocating tolerance for cliches?

Or is tolerance the cliche? ;~D
on Sep 28, 2005

I PRAY that the atheists have a good excuse when they meet the "MAN"

As John Wayne said on his death bed conversion to Catholicism (Parapharasing here).  If I am wrong, I will never know it.  If I am right, then I made the right move.

on Sep 28, 2005

Or is tolerance the cliche? ;~D

Or has it just become an empty buzz word?

on Sep 28, 2005
As an atheist (well, more of an agnostic), I approve the use all of bad puns, worn out clichés, oxymorons, and redundant phrases, regardless of whether they invoke a god, a forest sprite, or Sully from Monsters Inc. (or whatever else anyone may believe in).

on Oct 12, 2005

Sully from Monsters Inc.

he's got my vote!