If you thought you had seen the depths to which the Mainstream media could sink, think again. Apparently, Hurricanes are now racist. Or at least they practice the art of Class warfare.
The AP has "analyzed" Rita vs Katrina. And what did they find? Katrina picked on the poor people, and Rita went after the rich ones! Yep, in their infinite stupidity, the AP has decided that Katrina was bad, but Rita was good! Hurricanes (as everyone knows) should not pick on poor people! No, they should attack those with the ability to pay! Like Rita did ! Rita Good, Katrina Bad!
What surprises me about this whole stupid article is that the MSM still wonders why no one is listening to them any longer. Well, when you start using Hurricanes to further your agenda, which is as assinine as you can get, why bother listening to anything else you have to say?