Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
And add a dash of Class Warfare
Published on September 28, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

If you thought you had seen the depths to which the Mainstream media could sink, think again.  Apparently, Hurricanes are now racist.  Or at least they practice the art of Class warfare.

The AP has "analyzed" Rita vs Katrina.  And what did they find?  Katrina picked on the poor people, and Rita went after the rich ones!  Yep, in their infinite stupidity, the AP has decided that Katrina was bad, but Rita was good!  Hurricanes (as everyone knows) should not pick on poor people!  No, they should attack those with the ability to pay!  Like Rita did ! Rita Good, Katrina Bad!

What surprises me about this whole stupid article is that the MSM still wonders why no one is listening to them any longer.  Well, when you start using Hurricanes to further your agenda, which is as assinine as you can get, why bother listening to anything else you have to say?

on Sep 28, 2005

Maybe they can do an analysis of the hurricanes over the last 54 years and figure out why they hate Southerners so much!

on Sep 28, 2005
Well, I read the article, and I disagree with your interpretation

All I see is a bunch of facts, and a partial attempt to explain why one evacuation went better than the other.
on Sep 28, 2005

and a partial attempt to explain why one evacuation went better than the other.

That was almost a side bar and attributed to the fact of being forewarned.

on Sep 28, 2005
Where does that article anywhere say, "Rita Good, Katrina Bad"?

It's just a bunch of statistics with a patina of analysis brushed on to make "a real article."

That was almost a side bar

That's the article. The opening tells you what's coming, and here's the opening:

Hurricane Rita smashed into a region that is wealthier, more mobile and much less densely populated than the one devastated by Hurricane Katrina.

Or, "They had cars and there were fewer of them to move = easier evacuation."
on Sep 28, 2005

Or, "They had cars and there were fewer of them to move = easier evacuation."

No, that was only part of it.  They said it was better because they were warned (ok, that seems legit).  The rest is just there attempt to show how now hurricanes pick and choose.  Which they do not.  The premise of the article was stupd and meant to show that somehow, we should feel more guilty for Katrina than Rita.  Sorry, I dont buy the innocent act.  Playing the class card when it is Republicans vs Democrats is one thing.  But Hurricanes?  Give me a break.  Hurricanes are an equal opportunity destroyer.  They dont care if you are rich or poor.  But the Media sure seems to.