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Dr Guy's Articles » Page 126
January 27, 2005 by Dr Guy
So many young people and other liberals look at Clinton as the Icon, the Big daddy.  Mr, can do no wrong (forgetting he is the only elected president to ever get impeached for lying under oath).  But lest we forget, his finer moments on the stage of criminal or at least predatory behaviour: Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting...
January 26, 2005 by Dr Guy
I guess even France can do the right thing every once in a while!  LOL!
January 25, 2005 by Dr Guy
Well, 2 months after the deed, the culprits of the Wisconsin Tire slashing are finally being brought to Trial.  And as expected, it was 5 juvenile deliquents working for the Kerry Campaign.  While the article makes it clear that the culprits were acting on their own, you have to wonder about the climate that pushed them to the point where now they are going to have a felony record, and probably some jail time. IN a nut shell, it is the shere hatred and irrational fear of many of the...
January 25, 2005 by Dr Guy
Seems Hillary Clinton is blaming Bush for the rise in Abortions.  Now does not that sound strange in light of the numerous affairs that Bill has had? But I guess cigars are non-impregnating! If there was ever a reason to support abortion, it was in the case of Mrs. Rodham, about 55 years ago!
January 25, 2005 by Dr Guy
When I first read this story, I could not believe it.  Yet there it is in black and white.  The Democrats want to repeal the 22nd amendment so that Slick Willy can run again! What is it that causes these idiots to want to self destruct?  During Clintons 8 years (he never did get over 50% of the vote, BTW), they lost the house, they lost the senate.  They also lost a majority of Governorships and saw the Republicans draw even in state legislators!  And due to his 'the ...
January 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
I am sure we have all heard the mantra of energy independance and getting fuel sources other than petroleum.  And Eureeka!  We discovered hydrogen! When burned, it produces water vapor!  The Perfect solution!  Right? Wrong!  Where does hydrogen come from?  Why it is a natural element!  So it must be in nature!  Not in enough quantity to mean diddly squat!  SO it has to be extracted from water, and guess what?  That requires a lot of dirty f...
January 21, 2005 by Dr Guy
It seems that Thailand does not like having to police the grounds for Elephant poo!  So what to do? Invent a Elepotty!  I dont know it this is on the level or not, but it is printed in several places, and it will make you at least smile! Now that is what I call a BIG dump!
January 21, 2005 by Dr Guy
It seems that Thailand does not like having to police the grounds for Elephant poo!  So what to do? Invent a Elepotty!  I dont know it this is on the level or not, but it is printed in several places, and it will make you at least smile! Now that is what I call a BIG dump!
January 21, 2005 by Dr Guy
There was a diatribe written by a left member of JU decrying the fact that we had to suffer 4 more years of George W. Bush recently.  They (the articles on the suffering they must endure for another 4 years) are becoming rather comical, and to be laughed at instead of railed at (they should be posted under Humor, not Politics).  Strange how you did not see conservatives moaning and whining about '4 more years' of Clinton 8 years ago. But this one was different, and as the poster sai...
January 20, 2005 by Dr Guy
Besides both being left of Kerry, and a solid member of the loony loopy luddite left, what else do these clowns have in common? Well, yes, contempt for the common man.  But more specifically? How about HYPOCRASY!  Yep, both are staunch gun control advocates that think no one should own a gun, and now both have had their Body Guard outed for carrying one! Gee?  Dont you like their condescending attitude?  "Do as we say, not as we do!" Bleat after me moorites and do...
January 18, 2005 by Dr Guy
The law can protect you from a lot of things.  However, your own stupidity is not one of them.
January 17, 2005 by Dr Guy
Yes, my favorite expression of the extreme and well.....Loony Loopy Ludite left is the Loony Loopy Ludite left!  And so many did not even realize what I was saying!  Some took it to be themselves (no, There are leftist and then there are the LLL), and some just took umbrage out of ignorance! But one finally decided to look it up and said "huh?".  Well, if you say "Huh", it means you are either: #1: Not LLL #2: so far LLL that you cant see it! Yes, a Luddite is Lud...
January 15, 2005 by Dr Guy
On Red Sea crossing: WETLANDS TRAMPLED IN LABOR STRIKE Pursuing Environmentalists Killed On David vs. Goliath: HATE CRIME KILLS BELOVED CHAMPION Psychologist Questions Influence of Rock On Elijah on Mt. Carmel: FIRE SENDS RELIGIOUS RIGHT EXTREMIST INTO FRENZY 400 Killed On the birth of Christ: HOTELS FULL, ANIMALS LEFT HOMELESS Animal Rights Activists Enraged by Insensitive Couple On feeding the 5,000: PREACHER STEALS CHILD'S LUNCH Disciples Mystified O...
January 15, 2005 by Dr Guy
On Red Sea crossing: WETLANDS TRAMPLED IN LABOR STRIKE Pursuing Environmentalists Killed On David vs. Goliath: HATE CRIME KILLS BELOVED CHAMPION Psychologist Questions Influence of Rock On Elijah on Mt. Carmel: FIRE SENDS RELIGIOUS RIGHT EXTREMIST INTO FRENZY 400 Killed On the birth of Christ: HOTELS FULL, ANIMALS LEFT HOMELESS Animal Rights Activists Enraged by Insensitive Couple On feeding the 5,000: PREACHER STEALS CHILD'S LUNCH Disciples Mystified O...
January 14, 2005 by Dr Guy
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (Reuters) - The United Nations said on Friday it had received reports Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers were recruiting children displaced by Asia's tsunami and had told the rebels to leave under-age survivors alone. So we should just let them be!  after all, we dont want to hurt anyone by trying to impose any kind of moral authority on them! So says Hitler and so says the gestapo!  Heil the new world order!