Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
But we should do nothing.
Published on January 14, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (Reuters) - The United Nations said on Friday it had received reports Sri Lanka's Tamil Tigers were recruiting children displaced by Asia's tsunami and had told the rebels to leave under-age survivors alone.

So we should just let them be!  after all, we dont want to hurt anyone by trying to impose any kind of moral authority on them!

So says Hitler and so says the gestapo!  Heil the new world order!

on Jan 14, 2005
This is just one sad fact of this disaster, quite possibly the most repulsive is the increased activity of pedofiles, some reports have come in of children being kidnaped right out of their hospital beds, some people are just disgusting.
on Jan 15, 2005
This reminds me of the moral armament race of the 50s--that too failed.
on Jan 15, 2005
I wondered when I first heard about the tsunami if we wouldn't be seeing a surge in anti-government actions in places like sri-lanka and thailand. These were deeply troubled nations to begin with, politically and, frankly, morally. There's no doubt that nations with this kind of corruption and abuse of their people would just get nastier when faced with disaster. Even a surge in foriegn aid would make it worse.