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I Think Hillary is losing her trolley!
Published on January 25, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Seems Hillary Clinton is blaming Bush for the rise in Abortions.  Now does not that sound strange in light of the numerous affairs that Bill has had?

But I guess cigars are non-impregnating!

If there was ever a reason to support abortion, it was in the case of Mrs. Rodham, about 55 years ago!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 25, 2005
You could have actually made some good points, but instead went right for the cheap shot. How Roveian of you.

She actually makes a good point. Teaching abstinance only means that teachers are supposed to make all the decisions for the student, because there is only one choice. If you don't choose that non choice then you are filled with ignorance. Abstinance only tells us that we should not trust our kids with options.
on Jan 25, 2005

Reply #1 By: whoman69 - 1/25/2005 10:45:49 PM
You could have actually made some good points, but instead went right for the cheap shot. How Roveian of you.

She actually makes a good point. Teaching abstinance only means that teachers are supposed to make all the decisions for the student, because there is only one choice. If you don't choose that non choice then you are filled with ignorance. Abstinance only tells us that we should not trust our kids with options.

When was the last time you were in school? They have been teaching different methods of birth control for years in school and it has not helped one bit.
So she is making an ignorant point.
on Jan 25, 2005
They have been teaching different methods of birth control for years in school and it has not helped one bit.

I haven't finished my education, so I can't say I know everything about what is tought, but so far I have only been told that abstinence should be used for birth control.
on Jan 26, 2005

Reply #3 By: NJforever - 1/25/2005 11:08:51 PM
They have been teaching different methods of birth control for years in school and it has not helped one bit.

I haven't finished my education, so I can't say I know everything about what is tought, but so far I have only been told that abstinence should be used for birth control.

That may well be but when I was in school or my sons in school they taught birth control. Abstinence only is a newer devlopment in teaching curriculum.
on Jan 26, 2005

only is a newer devlopment in teaching curriculum.

the bush administration has done its best to reduce funding for programs that teach anything but 'abstinence only' not only as a means of birth control but to prevent stds.  you weren't aware of this when you voted for the man? Link

on Jan 26, 2005
That may well be but when I was in school or my sons in school they taught birth control. Abstinence only is a newer devlopment in teaching curriculum.

When I went through high school 17 years ago, they did teach abstinence first, then showed us how to use a condom. But abstinence always first.

While now just accross the boarder in CA they teach sixth graders why "Kelly has two moms" and teach teenagers when you would want to use two or three condoms (I'll let your dirty minds think that one up, and it not for missionaries). Abstinence is only a foot note at the end of the class.

I really think it depends on your state and schools board, what is taught in your schools.

That's My Two Cents
on Jan 26, 2005
Reply #5 By: kingbee - 1/26/2005 2:11:08 AM
only is a newer devlopment in teaching curriculum.

the bush administration has done its best to reduce funding for programs that teach anything but 'abstinence only' not only as a means of birth control but to prevent stds. you weren't aware of this when you voted for the man? Link

I was WELL aware of the fact. And like I said earlier teaching them birth control obviously *ain't* working (thats what was being taught at one time.).

Reply #6 By: Lee1776 - 1/26/2005 2:19:26 AM
That may well be but when I was in school or my sons in school they taught birth control. Abstinence only is a newer devlopment in teaching curriculum.

When I went through high school 17 years ago, they did teach abstinence first, then showed us how to use a condom. But abstinence always first.

Well I went to school over 30 years ago and they only taught birth control at the time. Both of my sons went to school in upstate NY and got out 6-7 years ago. When they were in they were taught birth control first abstinence second.
on Jan 26, 2005

I said earlier teaching them birth control obviously *ain't* working

so if abstinence dont work and birth control dont work, what's the solution doc?

( i aint even gonna tell yall how long ago i was in hs.  suffice to say, we had condoms made from dino skin and you hadda use 3 or 4 which made it an exercise in futility)


on Jan 26, 2005
Apparently, there is a rise in abortions. It's not that hard a leap to conclude that the Abstinence Only programs that the Bushies are advocating is not working. Hillary is trying to bring the discussions and hopefully some solutions to a bipartisan agreement. That being that maybe abstinence is a good method of birth control, but its NOT the only one, and maybe the government should stop the Only for their funding requirements. That's clearly not working. In addition, they have been cited numbers of times for using blatant lies about condom use to discourage teens from using them, like they don't work. Of course they work. And, they prevent diseases if used correctly. The Abstinence Only discussions are pointless, lying and futile. That's all Hillary is advocating.

And, somehow comparing Hillary's willingness to open the debate with her husband's lousy sexual encounters is so blatantly disengenuous. It ludicrous and disgusting that you would do that. All it does is deflect the real issue, that being the unfortunate rise in abortions, that very issue that the dipshit bushies rally against. Again, if there is a rise in abortion rates and Abstinence Only is the only teaching that the bushies will fund, then you do the math, Dr. Guy. Something is not working. And, Bill's illicit sexual encounters have nothing to do with it. Fer cryin' out loud......................
on Jan 26, 2005
Birth control classes in general have apparently been a huge success. They have led to so many controlled births that now schools are coming fully equiped with daycare for all the babies that were prevented by "education". That doesn't even take into consideration all the girls that chose abortions.

I have been hearing the same excuses for birth control classes since the 70s. The whole idea was, if teens are taught about birth control in school the teen pregnancy and STD rates would go down. Where has the promises gotten us?

In 1980, I remember a "class" where planned parenthood came in to teach us all how we should best avoid pregnancy and STDs. There were two woman and a man who taught what was contracted to be a week of classes in each of the high schools in the school district. The first day we were taught that "when" we had sex... blah blah blah. The idea of abstinance was brought up, in a joke (and I'm not joking here). Never once was it said that pregnancy and STDs were caused by sexual activity. Pregnancy and STDs were the result of failed or misused birth control.

The second day there was a special surprise. We were shown films teaching us how to put on a condom and put in a diaphragm (complete with spermacidal foam). The special surprise was how this class was far too progressive to use mundane training aids like a banana or broom handle for the condom. We got to watch a film of a middle age man actually put the rubber on himself. The diaphragm and foam were done by a twenty something woman.

Then we were honored with yet another lecture about "when" we had sex. Never once was it even insinuated that some of us just might wait, or that there might be a reason why it could be a good idea. As far as they were concerned we were all a bunch of mindless automatons who dropped our pants at the first sign of arrousal,.

We never found out what was on the agenda for the rest of the week. After the films there were so many complaints about how graphic it was (from parents, teachers, the principal and even a lot of students), the people from Planned Parenthood didn't bother showing up anymore. Not only to our school, but the entire school district.

I really wish I could say that I have the answer for this problem though. It really should be the parents who teach this, but too many parents seem to be failing as miserably as the schools on this one. A good start might be to teach that pregnancy is the natural outcome of sexual activity and birth control only serves to reduce the chances of that outcome, the only way to prevent it (or STDs) is abstinance. But maybe something as simple as THE FACTS are far too backward for such a progressive society as ours.
on Jan 26, 2005
I was WELL aware of the fact. And like I said earlier teaching them birth control obviously *ain't* working (thats what was being taught at one time.).

We've had this conversation before. Any school system that taught any methods of birth control did it under protest. I graduated in 1981from high school. We had one class, one day, in all my years of schooling on methods of birth control. We certainly didn't go into any detail about any of the methods. We didn't hear about the statistics of teen pregnancies, and we certainly didn't go into the statistics of teen stds. This was before the age of AIDS.
on Jan 26, 2005
If there was ever a reason to support abortion, it was in the case of Mrs. Rodham, about 55 years ago!

OMG...thats sooooooooo mean! No cookies or TV for you today!
on Jan 26, 2005

You could have actually made some good points, but instead went right for the cheap shot. How Roveian of you.

I dont think Rove has that much of a sense of humor.

on Jan 26, 2005

And, somehow comparing Hillary's willingness to open the debate with her husband's lousy sexual encounters is so blatantly disengenuous. It ludicrous and disgusting that you would do that. All it does is deflect the real issue, that being the unfortunate rise in abortions, that very issue that the dipshit bushies rally against. Again, if there is a rise in abortion rates and Abstinence Only is the only teaching that the bushies will fund, then you do the math, Dr. Guy. Something is not working. And, Bill's illicit sexual encounters have nothing to do with it. Fer cryin' out loud......................

I dont black list you because when you are not being stupid or radical, you can be funny.  Like this time.  How many shades of purple did you turn because I dared to bring up Bill and his women? 

on Jan 26, 2005
Why is Hillary Clinton upset with the rise of abortions? I thought abortions weren't wrong. If anything, she should be happy that people are having abortions so the teen pregnancy rate won't rise.
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