Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
But it is the Thought that counts!
Published on January 24, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

I am sure we have all heard the mantra of energy independance and getting fuel sources other than petroleum.  And Eureeka!  We discovered hydrogen!

When burned, it produces water vapor!  The Perfect solution!  Right?

Wrong!  Where does hydrogen come from?  Why it is a natural element!  So it must be in nature!  Not in enough quantity to mean diddly squat!  SO it has to be extracted from water, and guess what?  That requires a lot of dirty fuels to be used for the process!

And, while Hydrogen is a natural element, it is a dirty one too!  Seems that Hydrogen containers 'leak' and the hydrogen then combines with other elements to form bad gases!

Lions and Tigers and Bears!  Oh My!  Save some Oil, burn Hydrogen!  And polute the air away!

on Jan 24, 2005
combines with other elements to form bad gases!

cabbage and cauliflower does the same thing
on Jan 24, 2005

cabbage and cauliflower does the same thing

But they taste a lot better going down!

on Jan 24, 2005
on Jan 24, 2005
uh oh...maybe we can use the methane from pigshit instead? heh heh
on Jan 24, 2005
maybe we can use the methane from pigshit instead?

OY VEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... non kosher gas REALLY stinks!
on Jan 24, 2005
Your general point that hydrogen is not efficient is on the whole valid I think, but it assumes that energy used in the process comes from dirty fuels. This is not the case in hydroelectricity, natural gas, wind/tidal turbines, geothermal energy, etc., which together produce a nontrivial percentage of power. Technology is advancing rapidly and in the not too distant future it is plausible that we will be able to refine the hydrogen extracting process to be more efficient.
on Jan 24, 2005

Your general point that hydrogen is not efficient is on the whole valid I think, but it assumes that energy used in the process comes from dirty fuels. This is not the case in hydroelectricity, natural gas, wind/tidal turbines, geothermal energy, etc., which together produce a nontrivial percentage of power. Technology is advancing rapidly and in the not too distant future it is plausible that we will be able to refine the hydrogen extracting process to be more efficient.

True.  But we are not there yet, and the ones yelling for it dont realize that even electrical cars cause a lot of pollution, because most of the Electricity comes from fossil fuel burning power plants.

But to them, it is not the end result of their actions that count, it is the thought.  Just goes to show that the road to hell is still paved with liberal intentions.

on Jan 25, 2005
Just goes to show that the road to hell is still paved with liberal intentions.

Wow.. so all I have to do is be a conservative to go to Heaven? =P

Sorry, I couldn't pass up a chance for that old joke.