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How many rapist do you love?
Published on January 27, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

So many young people and other liberals look at Clinton as the Icon, the Big daddy.  Mr, can do no wrong (forgetting he is the only elected president to ever get impeached for lying under oath).  But lest we forget, his finer moments on the stage of criminal or at least predatory behaviour:

Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

Ah, but everyone makes mistakes, right?  But 20 of them and counting?  Now some may discount this list, for it is only their word against his, a convicted liar.  But one against 20?  HOw about just rumors?

Marilyn Jo Jenkins - rumored
Susan Coleman - rumored (suicide 7.5 months pregnant)
Robyn Dickey -rumored, staffer
Lenora Steinkamp - rumored - mystery jogger on video tape entering the "infamous hallway" with Clinton
Kimba Wood - rumored, judge
Kelley Craighead - rumored, staffer to Bill and Hillary
Sharline Wilson - rumored, claimed drug association
Dee Dee Myers - rumored, staffer
Suzie Whitacre - rumored
Catherine Cornelius - rumored, "distant cousin".
Cheryl Mills - rumored, WH attorney
Current Secret Paramour (per Tripp/King interview) - rumored

Where there is smoke there is fire.  After all, if you had a convicted serial rapist living in your neighborhood, would he not be the first to suspect when another rape occurred? (Put your hand down Hillary).

Hero? Hero?  if the man was not such a slick talker, he would be serving a life sentence as all rapist do.

And you call him a hero?  You poor misguided pathetic fool.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 27, 2005
Most of this list (about 99.9%) is total crap. Not suprising from the right at all. It didn't stick when he was in office, and it won't stick now.

Do we really need to put up a list on your boy dubya? If i did i'm sure all you righties whould throw a shitfit.

You folks really need to get over bubba. But it's nice to see that he can still provoke such a reaction from you people.
on Jan 27, 2005

Most of this list (about 99.9%) is total crap. Not suprising from the right at all. It didn't stick when he was in office, and it won't stick now.

All documented to be correct.  Dont come in here and say crap when you either - A dont know what the hell you are talking about, or - B are just a sycophant of the Clinton hero worshippers.

And we need to get over him how?  Like the left has gotten over Auschwitz?  Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.

on Jan 27, 2005
More drivel. Guy, show me where any ( outside of Monica and Flowers) of this has been confirmed in the REAL media (not that crap you righties call real either)

You can't. Can you?

Your auschwitz comment is pretty lame as well. Not even in the same catagory. And i love the disregard of the possibility of doing a dubya list. because even you know it wouldn't make him look good at all.
on Jan 27, 2005

More drivel. Guy, show me where any ( outside of Monica and Flowers) of this has been confirmed in the REAL media (not that crap you righties call real either)

Here are a few:

Carl Limbacher "……. The House Judiciary Committee that investigated President Clinton on impeachment charges had information that other women besides Juanita Broaddrick were ready to finger Clinton on rape charges, chief impeachment counsel David Schippers revealed Wednesday.

"……. Secret impeachment evidence against President Clinton sealed by law till the year 2049 is "sensational" and "terrible if it was true," a Washington Post reporter familiar with some of the material said during a radio interview on Monday. ……. "There is an awful lot of interesting stuff still under seal that maybe we'll find out about," Post reporter Peter Baker, who broke the Monica Lewinsky scandal for that paper, told WOR network radio host Bob Grant. Baker was being interviewed about his new impeachment book, "The Breach." ……. "I've been privy to some of it," said Baker. "A little of it is talked about in the book. There was a lot of material that the investigators looked at in (independent counsel Ken) Starr's office that was very sensational, very - ah - it would be terrible if it was true - but that hadn't been checked out." ……. In his book Baker says that the independent counsel's office investigated 21 women linked to Clinton. ……. Rick and Beverly Lambert, private investigators hired by Jones' legal team, told last year that one of the allegations they were investigating at the close of the Jones case involved the alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl by then-Governor Clinton at a cocaine party hosted by Dan Lasater. …….. The Lamberts also tracked down Juanita Broaddrick, the Arkansas nursing home operator who said that Clinton had raped her when he was state attorney general. "If you want a pattern of forceful sexual behavior (by Clinton), we have that,"

"….. For the third time in eight years, President Clinton has been named in an employee sexual harassment suit seeking substantial monetary damages directly from him or the organization he oversees. The latest complaint was filed Wednesday by assistant White House pastry chef Franette McColloch, who claims that her boss Roland Mesnier was "hostile and rude" to her at work, pestered her over the phone and limited her job responsibilities after she refused his sexual advances. McColloch's suit seeks $2 million in damages, $1 million from Mesnier and $1 million from Clinton, who is named in the suit because he failed to provide a means by which such complaints could be addressed, McColloch's lawyers said. In 1992, the Clinton campaign settled a sexual harassment lawsuit with an unidentified female accountant for $37,500. Under the terms of the settlement, the plaintiff was required to remain anonymous and keep the details of her sexual harassment secret, but Clinton aide David Watkins stepped forward to take responsibility. …….News of the 1992 sex suit against the Clinton campaign became public in December 1994 when the Federal Election Commission learned it had settled the sex case using federal election matching funds. ……. In a 1996 interview with the American Spectator magazine Watkins revealed that Clinton confidante Susan Thomases was grateful that he accepted responsibility and told him, "We know you did it to protect Bill." Cristy Zercher, who was a flight attendant aboard Clinton's 1992 campaign plane, told last year that she did not remember Watkins traveling with the campaign. Zercher did recall Bill Clinton "interacting a lot" with a blonde female staffer whose duties were unclear to her. "She could have been the accountant," Zercher told …..Zercher was surprised to learn the campaign had settled a sexual harassment suit against Watkins, who made millions in the advertising business, because campaign funds were so scarce. "There wasn't a lot of campaign money, especially in the beginning. We had people donating food to us." ……Zercher herself claimed that Clinton had groped her aboard the campaign plane. She never declined to file a sexual harassment claim at the time. ……. A third lawsuit suit charged Clinton personally with sexual harassment . Filed on March 8, 1994 by Paula Jones, the case eventually resulted in President Clinton's impeachment. ……"

Must I go on?  And you go ahead and do a Dubya list.  It is your right.  But it is a documented fact that the left (or some of them, escuse me for the generalization) is equating terrorist killings with Auschwitz.  They have forgotten.  Have you?

on Jan 27, 2005
in defense of my guy bill......... ummmmmmm he was at least ummmmmmmm persistant....ummmmm notice he did not hit on any guys..... ummmmmmmm I like his hair....... ummmmm great smile......
on Jan 27, 2005

in defense of my guy bill......... ummmmmmm he was at least ummmmmmmm persistant....ummmmm notice he did not hit on any guys..... ummmmmmmm I like his hair....... ummmmm great smile......

I am waiting for a liberal to claim that if I was married to Hillary, I would do the same!

on Jan 27, 2005
You're so full of shit. You have all this proof, let's bring him up on charges.

Are you jealous the guy got more ass than you or something?

I lived through the entire Clinton governorship here in Arkansas, and there are legitimate things you might be able to pick on if you did a bit of research. But the bit of respect I had for you evaporates with these unfounded lies. I mean, weren't you the one denigrating Dan Rather so badly for doing this very sort of thing? The GOP is the part of hypocrisy, idiocy, and distrust.

Get a life.
on Jan 27, 2005
I would gone elsewhere than Hil. Prolly like doing a bag of ice...

I see you got a lot of this drivel from NEWSMAX. Like they have any real credibility.

And i have no problem with killing terrorists guy. I have a problem with 1400 + US military personnel being killed in a war that is based on lies.

Let's look at your links shall we?

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#5 Guess what? ALSO deleted!

If you are going to make an arguement to me, at least have something to back it up!

I stand by my original statement Guy... Crap crappity crap crap crap!

I'm disappointed in you as well. We may not agree most of the time, but usually you can back it up with a shred of proof. Which validates my theory about how nuts bubba still makes you guys!

on Jan 27, 2005

Clinton or anyone who represents Clinton would never sue over the rapist stuff, because it would give cause for it to be re-investigated. The women in question could be subpoenaed, all the old stink would be dragged out, all the women who may or may not have "settled out of court" might be compelled to give testimony.

I think there's legions of Republicans sitting around that would kill for Clinton or a Clinton cronie to pick a fight. Clinton is the one who wants to keep the skellies in the closet.

If Clinton makes us nuts, it is because he is a myth. Some "Great Man" that Democrats revere, but can't tell you a damn thing he really did...

on Jan 27, 2005
Yeah, Baker, make sure your aluminum foil hat is on tight. Clinton still might be able to order those secret UN black helicopters to come after you.
on Jan 27, 2005
Well at least Baker has a pseudo legitimate arguement here... Aluminum beanies?? too funny Myr!
on Jan 27, 2005

#1: Deleted
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#5 Guess what? ALSO deleted!

Guess you better talk to your firewall guys.  BTW, the Congressional record, and the Washington Post are not Right wing sources.  You loose.

on Jan 27, 2005
Uhm... There is no firewall on this network....I think maybe you need to get some real credible evidence and repost
on Jan 27, 2005

I'm disappointed in you as well. We may not agree most of the time, but usually you can back it up with a shred of proof. Which validates my theory about how nuts bubba still makes you guys!

Sorry, I did not know you would not accept the Washington Post or the Congressional record.  So I guess I cannot get any wource that you would accept.  You are a sore loser.  Get over it, or are you just jealous of him?

on Jan 27, 2005

But NewsMax and Matt Drudge ARE. And those are the only types of places that give this BS credibility.

But I'm not going to take part in this point whoring any longer.
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