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What do they have in Common?
Published on January 20, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Besides both being left of Kerry, and a solid member of the loony loopy luddite left, what else do these clowns have in common?

Well, yes, contempt for the common man.  But more specifically?

How about HYPOCRASY!  Yep, both are staunch gun control advocates that think no one should own a gun, and now both have had their Body Guard outed for carrying one!

Gee?  Dont you like their condescending attitude?  "Do as we say, not as we do!"

Bleat after me moorites and donnelduds - 4 legs good, 2 legs better!

on Jan 20, 2005
Well, you know, some people just don't practice what they preach. I used to have some respect for O'Donnell, I don't anymore.
on Jan 20, 2005
both boxer {dem} and feinstien {dem} are for guncontrol... yet both carry weapons of their own.. hows that for mindboggling?
on Jan 20, 2005

both boxer {dem} and feinstien {dem} are for guncontrol... yet both carry weapons of their own.. hows that for mindboggling?

That's california Politics for you!