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Dr Guy's Articles » Page 125
February 3, 2005 by Dr Guy
As part of the 60th anniversay of the freeing of Auschitz, the EU wants to ban the Swastika from all of Europe.  Given that for the most part that is already being done (skin heads being the exception), a group from some Eastern European nations want to also ban the symbols of communism.  The Hammer and Sickle. I think banning both would be a good idea, with certian exceptions (historial representations being the most obvious and perhaps only).  Both resulted in millions and mi...
February 3, 2005 by Dr Guy
Well, the presidents SOTU speech seemed to be well received by all who had an open mind, or were Republican cheerleaders. Which leaves out the loony loopy luddite left and the democrat leadership.  Before the sound had even died in the airwaves from the speech, the Democrats were already declaring all of it DOBA.  There have been several blogs here of late that have said "work together", and many liberals have said it takes 2 to tango. in that they are right, yet instead of admo...
February 1, 2005 by Dr Guy
But for all of my adult life, he has been my Pope.  And he has been a moral compass to millions of Catholics in a very secular world.  I know he is not well, but I hope he pulls through.  his work is beyond reproach.  And he did as much for eastern Europe as did Reagan.  They were destined to work together, and yet at odds, but to the same goal. Freedom. Let all who value it pray for this man.  For no sane man can doubt his sincerity or motives, just his posit...
February 1, 2005 by Dr Guy
Yep, it is official as of today!  The UN has eradicated the genocide in Sudan! How you righties might ask? How indeed! They Pencil whipped it away! Sudan's government and the Janjaweed militia are not guilty of genocide How wonderful we have such a competant organization to protect us for the likes of the Hutus and Tutsis, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, and all the mad men of the world!  How magnificent they are to take care of the problems of the world with a  U...
January 31, 2005 by Dr Guy
President Bush has not even made his State of the Union Speech yet, and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are already telling him 'Dont go there'.  And this is supposed to be working with him? How? This is not even partisan as he has yet to tell them exactly what he wants, yet they have already decided they are NOT going to work with him.  And liberals call him a divider?  It seems the only dividers are the buffoons on the left that still dont get it....They LOST the election! I a...
January 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
Ok, So I coined the phrase, and have used it only once or twice here at JU to describe the left.  However, I think a great example of just who is the Loony Loopy Luddite Left can be found on a blog DRMILLER created, and the responses! Check out the responses by mythgarr and  renidrag.  And if any of you on the left can support their statements (not you Dabe, we know you do), go ahead.  but dont trash me when I call them Loony Loopy Luddite liberals.
January 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
Walmart has decided to extend the term Immediate Family to include Gay Civil Unions where they are the law.  Gay Rights Activist are hailing them, and of course Conservative Christian Groups are decrying it. How do you feel about it? For the record, I applaud Walmart on 2 levels.  Philosophically, because for many Gay Unions, they are as close as a family and consideration to issues dealing with each partner. And Practically, they have just avoided a bunch of lawsuits! Is it a...
January 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
According to the Time of India, our interrogators at Gitmo used methods that are so despicable, as they were never even imagined by the Geneva Convention.  Yes, they Tortured these muslim men between the ages of 17 and 50 to horrors no one else had ever seen! The methods used?  Lap Dances by female interogators! Where do I go to convert and sign up?
January 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
The Left really needs to muzzle Teddy.  He is either hitting the sauce too hard, or has just left his caboose on the siding.  Now he wants to give all the terrorists insurgents a time table for us leaving.  I got a better idea.  Why dont we even give them the routes,times and air lanes they will be taking!  What an ultimate ignoramus! I know I have many differences with liberals, but I honestly cannot see how anyone can support this clowns current actions.  A...
January 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
The  occupied people's  attitude toward the American occupation forces has swung from apathy and surface friendliness to active dislike. According to a military government official, this is finding expression in the organization of numerous local anti-American organizations throughout the zone and in a rapid increase in the number of attacks on American soldiers. There were more such attacks in the first week of October than in the preceding five months of the occupation, this sour...
January 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
v. slowed, slow·ing, slows v. tr. To make slow or slower. To delay; retard. Now isn't that funny, since the Economy, according to the article grew at an outstanding rate of 3.1%!  For a Quarter no less!  But what does CNN call it?  Economy Slowed, as in decelerated.  I dont see a growth rate of 3.1% as a deceration!  But that is just me. And the liberals say that CNN is unBiased?  IN a pigs eye!
January 27, 2005 by Dr Guy
In response to a blog on why Clinton was a hero to some of the younger generation, I posted some of Clinton's sexcapades. (To the credit of the blogger she has been a very nice person willing to learn, and not to flame). Anyone left of gengis Khan knows that while many many women have alledged improper sexual advances, or rape against Clinton, he has never been convicted.  And I never contended that.  I was just trying to show that Clinton was and is no saint.  And while there ...
January 27, 2005 by Dr Guy
The idiot who killed 11 people in Los Angeles trying to commit suicide is now being charged with Murder, as well it should be.  However, the news stories are now saying he 'may get the death penalty'. Excuse me?  Wasn't he trying to commit suicide anyway?  Isn't that like telling him his wish will come true? That sorry excuse for human flesh should get life without parole!  And his cell should be decorated with the pictures of the dead!  Dont rush off to give him h...
January 27, 2005 by Dr Guy
Seems a Democrat senator in Oklahoma wants to put little bitty boxing gloves on Roosters and make Cock fighting legal again!  I kid you not! I had to put this under humor as I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read it! Can you picture the Bantam weight champion in his trunks and gloves? ROFL
January 27, 2005 by Dr Guy
Seems a Democrat senator in Oklahoma wants to put little bitty boxing gloves on Roosters and make Cock fighting legal again!  I kid you not! I had to put this under humor as I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read it! Can you picture the Bantam weight champion in his trunks and gloves? ROFL