It seems that a couple in Sacramento California have a US Military Uniform hanging (as in 13 coils) from their house. No doubt they are greatly opposed to the Presidents policies, and yes, they are in their right to express themselves in such a fashion.
However, the problem here is 2 fold. First they are only pissing off people and denigrating innocent people. Soldiers do not make American Policy, they only go where they are told and do what they are told by the leaders. Why show such complete contempt for their sacarfice, one that this couple are too cowardly to make.
Second, while they and Ward Churchill have every right to spew venom and call it Free speech, with stupid statements like this, they do more harm for their cause than any good. The only ones that will cheer them on are the ones as loony and loopy as they are. But ones that may be against the war, just not rabidly so, will be turned off by this arrogant contempt for the soldiers. Just like Ward Churchill pissed off a lot of left leaning individuals with his idiocy, so these people will as well.
But people like this are just too stupid to understand that the very soldiers they mock and degrade are the ones that gave them their right to mock and degrade and call it free Speech.