Yea, here in the old Dominion we have a nice little brouhaha going on. Some Legislators want to fine anyone (mostly students) who wear their pants so low that their underwear sticks out.
While I find that another example of the nannism that government has become, what is more amusing is that the sponsor of the bill is Black. Yet one of his collegues, also black, is charging the bill is racist and the only reason it is being proposed is to catch black kids and punish them.
I have not done any formal study on who the chief underwear showers are, but in my casual observations, most of them have appeared to be caucasion. But that is not really the point.
The point is that loony lefties are not confined to washington DC! Delegate Howell is accusing his collegue (both are democrats) of racism! I guess there just are not enough Republicans to go around here in Va for them to cast such a humorous and ridiculous charge to.
Even tho both chambers of the General Assembly are controlled by republicans.
Let the fun begin! Thankfully, they will be gone in 3 weeks! For another year at least!