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You could wind up with crap instead
Published on February 10, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

It seems WalMart, the largest Business in the world (based upon revenue and employees) has just submarined an effort to unionize one of their stores.  Instead of caving into the demands of the these employees, WalMart has decided to close the store.  That is in their right.  Especially before a Union gets entrenched and starts making demands.

The problem here is that the employees got greedy.  Not all of this was their fault as Unions always promise more than they can deliver.  And in most cases like this, wind up hurting the workers more than the employer.

I have first hand experience dealing with Unionized stores.  And we did bargain in good faith.  But you know after the union negotiated their contract, the other stores in the area were given raises comensurate with the Union Contract.  Why?  Because that was SOP for the company (giving regular raises to all employees).  And you know what about the non-Union stores?  They did not have to pay Union dues.

What this all boils down to is a Unions do not benefit employees unless one of 2 conditions exist.

1. The job requires skills.  Clearly bagging and stocking do not.

2. The union has a monopoly on the resources.  This works in cases like a coal mine where the company cannot just up and move the mine.

IN these cases, the Union can and sometimes do benefit the employees.  But in the other cases, the Unions lie to the employees with visions of Sugar Plums dancing in their head.  In the end, the employee has to pay dues, and often as not, does not get a whole lot more, if any, than their non-union brethren.  So that is a loss as well.

But do Unions tell them that?  No.  one of the last places, besides the government, where truth in advertising is a myth.

on Feb 10, 2005
That certainly stinks! Oh mighty Walmart, wave your wand and do as you please, forget freedom or rights of the people to do anything. Step all over the small ones for thou art mighty. Yikes, I guess that's certainly a warning for all others eh?
on Feb 10, 2005

That certainly stinks! Oh mighty Walmart, wave your wand and do as you please, forget freedom or rights of the people to do anything. Step all over the small ones for thou art mighty. Yikes, I guess that's certainly a warning for all others eh?

I am all for Unions.  My sister and Brother in Law belong to the teamsters.  But the end result is Unions can only help you in those 2 situations - where there are skills (Truck driving is one!  I sure cant back a rig into a loading dock!) or where there is a monopoly of resources - as in a large investment in a physical plant (UAW) or it cant be moved (UMW).

The rest is just a lie by the Union.  I have seen it first hand, and the truth is the unionized people are worse off than the non-union people in all areas except one.  The ability to fire the employee.  But that just leads to abuse by the slackards that dont care for their fellow employees as much as it may protect the good worker (with current laws, the Government does a lot better at that than the unions).

Sucks?  Sure.  But then greed has its own price and they just paid it.  WalMart is not an evil entity.  It is a business, and just trying to stay in Business.  They are rarely evil, even if some decisions are hard and 'not fair'.

on Feb 13, 2005
But wait a minute, I thought that most Unions and the "buy American" crowd are just itching for the demise of Wal~Mart in general, they should be celebrating the fact that they have at least part of their wish... I guess there is just no pleasing some people!

I used to be as anti union as they come, but like with most things, experience has taught me a few things. I still have no plans to ever join one, nor have I ever stood by as one tried to inch its way into any of my places of employment, but I also acknowledge that there are times when something has to pull over the car and seperate the scwabbling brats known respectively as "Labor" and "Management".

Now I just figure that if your job makes you a nameless, faceless number, then you might as well join a union because you'll never be able to do much for yourself. The trick is to never allow yourself to become a nameless, faceless number.