Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Mao would be too right for them as well
Published on February 8, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

NOw I know some are going to read the link and proclaim "Drudge?  HOw can you quote that right wing site?"

But I quote him because I find the story funny, and totally believeable.  Having lived in the bay area during the height of Haight Ashbury, I know there are a bunch of loons out there.  They did not die off with the end of the counter cuulture days, and still inhabit the streets of San Fran.

But I sincerely doubt that anyone on this site (save one) would say that Pelosi was too conservative!  You may call her a lot of things, but Right wing is not one of them (unless you are going for the laugh and not making a serious statement).

Ya think she might tac further left to appease these idiots?  I would not put it past her.

on Feb 08, 2005
Honestly, if you look at how some of these quasi-Liberals vote at the behest of big business, you see how some of their Liberalism is all talk. They are just as much for sale as Republicans, they just hide behind Liberal yammering.

Given how she talks anti-war but doesn't do much to back it up when voting time comes, and how she works at the behest of corporate lobbyists like any other legislator, these guys have a point.

That's not to say she is ideologically Conservative, it just means she is a hypocrite...
on Feb 08, 2005
The SF Bay Guardian would call Gorbachev a rightie.

They fit the term "loony left" to a tee.
on Feb 08, 2005

The SF Bay Guardian would call Gorbachev a rightie.

They fit the term "loony left" to a tee

On that we would agree!

on Feb 08, 2005

Given how she talks anti-war but doesn't do much to back it up when voting time comes, and how she works at the behest of corporate lobbyists like any other Senator, these guys have a point.

That's not to say she is ideologically Conservative, it just means she is a hypocrite...

She is The minority leader of the house, not a senator.  But even if she does work for some corporations (like Soros'), no one in their right mind would call her too conservative!

on Feb 08, 2005
(shaking head)

Guy, Guy, Guy.....

I wouldn't be talking about any politician being owned by corporate america when dubya lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Sorry man, i had to say it!
on Feb 08, 2005
Pelosi too far right? (chuckle)...and the dems insist their party isn't being hijacked by kooks?
on Feb 08, 2005
Actually the guardian is an indy publication out of SF. They're beyond the definition of "left democrat" to the umpteenth power.
on Feb 08, 2005

Guy, Guy, Guy.....

I wouldn't be talking about any politician being owned by corporate america when dubya lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

I did not bring it up!  And I really did not alledge it.  I was commenting on someone else's response.  Frankly, I have doubts of who she is working for or why.  Sorry to burst your bubble.