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Someone is Speaking with Forked Tongue
Published on March 14, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

A man, peacefully protesting against abortions, was arrested.  His crime?  Having a 15-17 week old dead fetus in a jar.  The Crime?  Yup, Exposing a dead body part.

Now how can a dead fetus be a dead body part?  Isnt that kind of hypocritical since we have been told for 30 years now that fetuses were not living people, but just a mass of parasitic tissue? 

If this case does not get thrown out of court due to the shere hypocrasy of the whole situation, then can future lawsuits use it as precedent setting to start the outlawing of abortions based upon the fact that the fetus is not just a parasitic mass of tissue, but a body in itself?  And it is clear that the fetus is not a dead body part of the woman since upon losing it, no parts of her body are gone, she still has all her fingers, toes and ribs as she had before the abortion.

This is clearly a case where NARAL, and Planned Parenthood in this case, are being caught up in their own zealotry to squash all dissent when it comes to abortion.  If they do not file friends of the court briefs on behalf of the defendant, they risk being shown the frauds that most people already know they are.

on Mar 14, 2005
What's noteworthy to me in this case is that this man actually thinks that what he's doing is a proper and effective way to deter abortions...
on Mar 14, 2005
Eeww, i'm not really on the side of the guy for having a fetus in a jar

But to sentence him for it? Well maybe it's not really ethical to keep it. It's probably like keeping a still born? I dont know.
on Mar 15, 2005
Great article!!!

Yes, the "pro choice" crowd just loves to point fingers "hypocrisy" across the table at the "pro life" crowd. In the end though,both keep tripping over their own hypocrisy.

What's noteworthy to me in this case is that this man actually thinks that what he's doing is a proper and effective way to deter abortions...

I've never understood this tactic either. I mean, should a person carry around a dead and mangled baby's body, as a protest against child abuse??

Of course, there are many anti war activists who make signs and posters using pictures of dead, mangled soldiers; animal rights activists who use dead/mangled animals... etc. So I guess gruesome images are not confined to anti abortion activists.
on Mar 15, 2005
What's noteworthy to me in this case is that this man actually thinks that what he's doing is a proper and effective way to deter abortions...

WHile I do not condone the practice for obvious reasons, the point he was trying to make is that it is not just a lump of cells, but a real human being that is being killed. And what better to demonstrate that than to show the prospective candidates than to show them what they are aborting.
on Mar 15, 2005
But to sentence him for it? Well maybe it's not really ethical to keep it. It's probably like keeping a still born? I dont know.

I would say it is highly unethical. But if the law says it is not a person, how can they say a dead one is a dead person?
on Mar 15, 2005
Of course, there are many anti war activists who make signs and posters using pictures of dead, mangled soldiers; animal rights activists who use dead/mangled animals... etc. So I guess gruesome images are not confined to anti abortion activists.

And the commonality in all the cases, besides wanting to get the shock value, is the cheapening of what they are protesting for. Simply put, they are all hypocrits, and probably dont truly believe in what they are protesting, just looking for their 15 minutes.