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Dr Guy's Articles » Page 118
March 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
Harry Reid went to Iraq and was {Shock} surprised to learn there were so many guns around!  WOW!  What a revelation!  We should have had a think tank delve into that issue for years, at a cost of millions of dollars for come up with that revelation. And dear old harry did it with just one visit to a war zone! Democrats, this is one of the leaders of your party, and you want people to take you seriously when they call others stupid and yet make moronic statements like this? ...
March 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
The problem of world hunger has defied a solution from some of the greatest minds of mankind.  And yet, in one day, the LA times, that bastion of right wing conspiracy has found the perfect solution. Merely let the people starve to death!  According to the LA Times, starving to death is not painful and indeed the person " experienced the characteristic sense of euphoria ". See?  Allowing millions and millions to starve is not only beneficial to over population, but the lucky...
March 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
"Document: Bin Laden Evaded U.S. Forces"--headline, Associated Press, March 22 We need a document to know that? "Rice Porridge Ritual Predicted Major Quake in Japan"--headline, Agence France-Presse, March 21 Damn our new Sec. or State has a lot of talents! "Light Spotted From Beyond Solar System"--headline, Associated Press, March 22 I thought that was what we called stars?????? "Church to Play Next 'Spider-Man' Villain"--headline,, March&nb...
March 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
"Document: Bin Laden Evaded U.S. Forces"--headline, Associated Press, March 22 We need a document to know that? "Rice Porridge Ritual Predicted Major Quake in Japan"--headline, Agence France-Presse, March 21 Damn our new Sec. or State has a lot of talents! "Light Spotted From Beyond Solar System"--headline, Associated Press, March 22 I thought that was what we called stars?????? "Church to Play Next 'Spider-Man' Villain"--headline,, March&nb...
March 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
Howard Dean was in Tennessee trying to drum up support for the democrats recently and trying to sound all religiousy.  The problem is he came off sounding stupid and hypocritical. In one sentence he said: ....Jesus' directive to ''love thy neighbor'' didn't mean one could choose which ones to love. Sounds nice. Until you remember his statement from the Iowa Caucuses when an Audience member asked him to " tone down the garbage, the mean-mouthing, of tearing down your neighbo...
March 23, 2005 by Dr Guy
"Rice Arrives in China"--headline, Asian News International, March 20 Isn't that like shipping sand to the Middle East? "Early Classes Could Deprive Teens of Sleep, Experts Say"--headline, KVOA Web site (Tucson, Ariz.), March 21 We need Experts to tell us that?  WOW!  I guess Johnny really cant think! "Hitler Was Personally Behind Holocaust, Book Says"--headline, Reuters, March 22 Can I get a D? D Can I get a U? U   Can I get an H? H  ...
March 23, 2005 by Dr Guy
"Rice Arrives in China"--headline, Asian News International, March 20 Isn't that like shipping sand to the Middle East? "Early Classes Could Deprive Teens of Sleep, Experts Say"--headline, KVOA Web site (Tucson, Ariz.), March 21 We need Experts to tell us that?  WOW!  I guess Johnny really cant think! "Hitler Was Personally Behind Holocaust, Book Says"--headline, Reuters, March 22 Can I get a D? D Can I get a U? U   Can I get an H? H  ...
March 23, 2005 by Dr Guy
From the Lancaster Inteligencer Journal: Young and old came together for the silent vigil sponsored by the Lancaster Coalition for Peace and Justice. The march was marked by tooting horns from passing vehicles and outbreaks of clapping and cheering from the crowd. One protester started to yell as an counter-protester walked through the crowd holding a “support our troops” poster. “This is anger!” he yelled as he chased after the elderly man at Penn Square.
March 23, 2005 by Dr Guy
A lot has been made of the Jeff Gannon brouhaha, but now comes a book by Humberto Fontova (Fidel: Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant) that not only says Rather Took his marching orders from Clinton confidant Gregory Craig, but also took his words from him! In September 2004, many people rallied to Rather's side as a victim of a hoax over ForgeryGate, when in fact the evidence was clear that Rather was no more than a democrat mouthpiece posing as a MSM anchor.  But the truth would eventually com...
March 23, 2005 by Dr Guy
[Disclaimer]Liberals may want to know that the link takes you to the Drudge Web Site[/disclaimer] HBO is doing a show on the start up of the Air America Network.  And like any good Soap Opera, it has an Eeevil Villian (Company owner Evan Cohen), a sobbing victim (Randi Rhodes), a scheming she devil (Jeanine Garafolo) and a Village Idiot (Al Franken).  All the good makings of a emmy award winning soap Opera. I like the part where Al Franken is told the network is broke a...
March 23, 2005 by Dr Guy
We all know by now Robert "Klegle" Byrd's infamous comparison of the Republicans to the Nazis.  Now one of his little toady sycophants at the LA Times is comparing them to Joseeph Stalin. Conservatives are the historical defenders of states' rights, and the supposed proponents of keeping big government out of people's lives, but this case once again shows that some social conservatives are happy to see the federal government acquire Stalinist proportions when imposing their morality on...
March 22, 2005 by Dr Guy
NC may have the best basketball team, and Mass the Best Football team, and Ca and FLA the biggest theme parks, but here in the Old Dominion, the Mother of Presidents, we got the fastest Roller Coaster! To quote: In 1884, LaMarcus A. Thompson built a ride at New York's Coney Island to bring people out of the local beer gardens. The tracks carried individual cars that climbed 15 feet in the air and zoomed along at 4 miles per hour. People swarmed to Coney Island to try this novelty for a ni...
March 22, 2005 by Dr Guy
From one of the protests against the war on terrorism, we have Idiot #1: Akono from Cambodia, who is married to a British man and is pregnant, said that she planned to go on a hunger strike from April 14 in protest against the continuing war on terror. "I want to do everything I can to make sure my child has a secure future," she said. Hey Brainless!  If you starve your unborn child, they wont have a future! NO wonder thugs like Saddam and Kim Jung Il thrive with m...
March 22, 2005 by Dr Guy
"McGwire Mum on Steroids"--headline, Oakland Tribune, March 18 Is his dad on Estrogen? "Pilot Ejects Safely After F-16 Crashes at Nellis Air Force Base"--headline, Associated Press, March 18 Why eject after a crash? Did he still get to 'walk away'?  
March 22, 2005 by Dr Guy
"McGwire Mum on Steroids"--headline, Oakland Tribune, March 18 Is his dad on Estrogen? "Pilot Ejects Safely After F-16 Crashes at Nellis Air Force Base"--headline, Associated Press, March 18 Why eject after a crash? Did he still get to 'walk away'?