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Liberals are learning something, wrong of Course
Published on May 14, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

I have Been listening to the Lionel Show.  It is so bad, but I do to see what is going on in the minds of the demented.

And what I have picked up on is 2 things.  First is that he refuses to have anyone on his show that can debate him (I know, I tried).  Second is the mantra of the stung liberal as I will call it.

The Conservatives (note, not neocons, Conservatives) sucessfully pigeonholed people like him, Dabe and Wise Fawn as Liberals.  That is not a perjorative term, it is merely descriptive.  Yet to the average ameraican, it rung like a death knell!  So instead some became 'progressives'.  Fine, the beliefs are the same, the name has changed.  Those were the smart ones.

But for the others, who still cant get it straight, they decided to mis lable conservatives as neoCons.  Knowing not what they were talking about, but using it as a perjorative.

So if you are called a NeoCon, dont worry.  They still dont have a clue!  just a perjorative!

on May 14, 2005
they decided to mis lable conservatives as neoCons.

loopy ludite liberals will never understand that....
on May 14, 2005

loopy ludite liberals will never understand that....

As you are a revered liberal, I take that as an insightful!

peace, manopeace!

on May 14, 2005
lol and shalom to you too!
and goodnight!...its almost 1 30 am here....
on May 14, 2005

and goodnight!...its almost 1 30 am here....

Have a peaceful one.  Itis dinner time here.