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Can I get a frogectomy?
Published on May 11, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

My ancestors may have come over on the boat from France, and indeed, I am related to Napolean (so that is corsican I guess), but I am tired of their bool schid (as Moderateman says).

The latest?  Their idea of humor is to call Pope Benedict XVI "Adolph II" and that he is going to change the sign of the cross to "The Father, son and Third Reich".

Excuse me if I dont find that extremely in poor taste.  no, that is too mild. I find that extremely racist and bigoted!  And there is no taste about it! (for those on the far left that think a race is only black or brown; Gauls, Franks, Prussians, and Germans are all Disctinct RACES.)

I am so shocked and sickened for what passes as their version of humor, that I am seeking a renown doctor of ethnicity that can perform a gaulectomy on me!

I no longer want any french Blood coursing through my system.  It makes me sick to look at myself in the mirror.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 11, 2005
Ed. Note:  They named them selves well when they called themselves Gauls, cause they Gaul the rest of the world to death! 
on May 11, 2005
"The Father, son and Third Reich".

Utterly disgusting! Even as a joke...
Seeing as the nazis were welcomed with open arms when they marched through Paris...the French should be the last to joke like that.
on May 11, 2005
Ahhhh the great wide world of stupidity is alive and well.
on May 11, 2005

Ahhhh the great wide world of stupidity is alive and well.

and French
on May 11, 2005
I saw a documentary about a year ago that interviewed people in small French towns who boarded the Nazis, ate with them. The women talked about the handsome Germans they danced with. They waxed rhapsodic about the good old days, and seemed sad that they left.

I know that feeling wasn't shared by all or even a majority of the French, but I think it goes to show how "flexible" the French are. They are a people that can make a go of it in most situations. That would be admirable if it weren't for their hypocritical tendancy to berate the rest of the world for doing the same things they do.

To me, the only difference between many of their secularist policies and some Nazi ideals is an inherent lack of motivation. Chirac would grow a little moustache if it weren't for his total self-absorption. At least enriching himself and his friends is enough to keep him busy...
on May 11, 2005
#4 by Manopeace
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Ahhhh the great wide world of stupidity is alive and well.

and French

The sheer simplicity of this remark made it hilarious. First time I've laughed out loud in days. Thanks mano.
on May 11, 2005
The sheer simplicity of this remark made it hilarious. First time I've laughed out loud in days. Thanks mano

tickle tickle...
laughter is the best medicine my friend...I know that from first hand experience
on May 11, 2005

Utterly disgusting! Even as a joke...
Seeing as the nazis were welcomed with open arms when they marched through Paris...the French should be the last to joke like that.

maybe I am just too sensitive, but I find Nazi Humor about anyone, other than the originals to be in extremely poor taste, and when it is my own people, it sickens me.

on May 11, 2005

Ahhhh the great wide world of stupidity is alive and well.

This goes beyond stupidity.  it is just disgusting and shows how far the french have fallen.  I dont guess they had far to fall in the first place.

on May 11, 2005

I know that feeling wasn't shared by all or even a majority of the French, but I think it goes to show how "flexible" the French are.

I doubt that most people would call sucking up to conquerors being flexible.  But the french do find a way.

Chirac does not need a mustache.  His head is up Schroeder's poop chute so no one can see it anyway.

on May 11, 2005
and when it is my own people, it sickens me.

The French are southerners?
on May 11, 2005

The sheer simplicity of this remark made it hilarious. First time I've laughed out loud in days. Thanks mano.

it did have a certain panache to it!  And We AMERICANS are not afraid of stealing words from other languages. 

on May 11, 2005
I didnt know about that, but it surely falls flat...

And DrGuy you can choose your friends but you cant choose your relatives. So if you're background is french (like me) there isnt much you can do about it... Just remember they make great cheese and wine, it could make you feel better about yourself
on May 11, 2005
The French are southerners?

I am southern by birth and the grace of God. I am French by ancestry. French are not southerners. They dont have the class for it.
on May 11, 2005
The “guignols de l’information” always do stuff like that. They’ve done much worse things over the years. If only you knew what they say about Bush (and what they make his puppet do)...

If you want to see part of it (they removed the worst parts...)
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