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Wendy's Chili safe to eat
Published on May 13, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

The 'Finger' that was 'found' by Anna Ayala in a bowl of Chili has been identified as belonging to an associate of her husband who lost it in an industrial accident.

Seems the owner had given it to her husband upon request, not realizing the role it would play in one of the largest shakedowns in recent history.

Hopefully, now that the finger has been found, the finger finder will find a nice 8x10 foot cell waiting for her soon.

on May 13, 2005
Wow, the things people think up. Devious! I like that Doc...Finger Fingered...!
on May 13, 2005

Wow, the things people think up. Devious! I like that Doc...Finger Fingered...!

Hey, as author of whacky headlines, I had to try!

on May 13, 2005
So who actually fingered the finger faker?
on May 14, 2005
So who actually fingered the finger faker?

It was a call to the Wendy's hotline for the $50k. The article did not say.

Guess with different names for husband and wife, the former owner did not realize it was his! Poor guy.
on May 15, 2005
Let's hope they enjoy their stint in prison!!

Just think about it, when the girls in the prison start pointing and whispering.... "yeah, that's the Wendy's Finger girl!"

I can hear the jokes now...

I'll start!

Why does the Wendy's Finger girl's prison number only have 9 digits? The tenth one is in her mouth!

What will be served to the jury, while in deliberations? Anything but Finger Sandwishes!
