Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
say two studies in Science this week
Published on May 11, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Good news!  Great news!  Polution controls are working!  The world is saved and we dont have to worry about rising oceans and global warming!

The birds are singing, the bees are buzzing, and Al gore is happy as a pig in poop!

According to the Magazine:

Reductions in industrial emissions in many countries, along with the use of particulate filters for car exhausts and smoke stacks, seem to have reduced the amount of dirt in the atmosphere and made the sky more transparent.

So everything is coming up roses, right?


That sounds like very good news. But the researchers say that more solar energy arriving on the ground will also make the surface warmer, and this may add to the problems of global warming. More sunlight will also have knock-on effects on cloud cover, winds, rainfall and air temperature that are difficult to predict.

Difficult to predict?  Hardly!  We have had the eco whackos doing that since the Ice age of the 70s passed!

What?  You say that there was no ice age in the 70s?  There had to be!  The eco whackos said we were headed for an ice age in the 70s, and they would not lie to us now would they?

But the best part of the article, and the one that the non-chicken Little among us have been stating through the Ice age and then Global warming is:

Uncertainties remain part of the game because scientists have only a limited ability to track cloud cover and particulates, says Macke. Increased cooperation in programmes such as the NASA-led International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project should help to close the gaps in our knowledge of how dirty air affects climate, he says.

Uncertainties remain!  That sounds like someone just said "we dont know".  WOW!  Finally an admission of knowledge!  We dont know!

There is hope for these people yet.  FOr it is the wise man that knows that he knows not!


on May 11, 2005
I was almost happy there for a sec.
on May 11, 2005
Ok so what they're really saying is air polution contributes to the greenhouse effect and is a bad thing. Lack of air polution causes more sunlight to reach the ground, and is a bad thing. Aren't these people ever happy?

The whole "global warming" thing is a joke as far as I'm concerned. On a geologic scale the last great Ice Age just ended. Seems only natural that things would be warming up don't you think?

I am all for reducing air pollution, we do far too much harm to our environment and resultantly to ourselves and every other living thing on our little planet. I can't understand how this could be contrued as a bad thing by anyone with an ounce of common sense. Did it ever occur to these folks that just maybe it's supposed to be warming up naturally?
on May 11, 2005

I was almost happy there for a sec.

Cheer up!  It will make for longer summers!  And better tans!

on May 11, 2005

Ok so what they're really saying is air polution contributes to the greenhouse effect and is a bad thing. Lack of air polution causes more sunlight to reach the ground, and is a bad thing. Aren't these people ever happy?

That is a very succint way of putting it!  Have an insightful!

on May 11, 2005

Did it ever occur to these folks that just maybe it's supposed to be warming up naturally?

I have been contending this for over 20 years, and yet since I dont have PHD, NJ behind my name, no one listens to me.

What I found the most refreshing was the admission "Uncertainties" exist.  That is polite speech for saying we just dont know!

on May 11, 2005
What I found the most refreshing was the admission "Uncertainties" exist. That is polite speech for saying we just dont know!

Or perhaps a means of ensuring research money keeps flowing in their direction?
on May 11, 2005

Or perhaps a means of ensuring research money keeps flowing in their direction?

Well, that too, I guess. If there is government money in it, you know they are going to be sucking at that teat for some time to come.