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Dr Guy's Articles » Page 95
July 19, 2005 by Dr Guy
Apparently, America has long over stayed its usefulness in Korea.  We taught them Baseball, Car Making, and stupidity! It appears that some Koreans want to rewrite history.  They want to tear down a statue of MacArthur becdause he was a big bad old meany who repelled the benelovent peace loving North Koreans back in 50.  Yes, this evil imperialistic dog denied the South Koreans the right to be enslaved and starved to death by the kind loving, little teddy bear, Kim Jung il and ...
July 19, 2005 by Dr Guy
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July 19, 2005 by Dr Guy
I know we have some far left people here at JU, but with very few exceptions, none like  There, the loony loopy Luddite left really shows its stuff.  For the most part, the liberals at JU poo-pooed these wackos at as being definitely out of the mainstream.  And for the most part, conservatives clucked clucked, shook their heads and agreed with the liberals on that assessment. But new evidence appears to put that belief to rest.  We know that...
July 18, 2005 by Dr Guy
Here are some statements from Chuck Schumer on the Bush Judicial nominees, and the reality behind his statements.  You read them, and you decide. SCHUMER: "They [Republicans] did filibuster judges, by the way. Paez, Berzon were filibustered in 1999 and 2000." By definition, a filibuster occurs when a vote of cloture fails, not when it succeeds and a final vote occurs. In the cases of Paez and Berzon, the majority Republicans led by Chairman Orrin Hatch and Majority Leader Trent ...
July 16, 2005 by Dr Guy
Seems the truth is the sun for Liberals as even Lionel is backing away from Rove! Troops!  Display your crosses!  The vampires are in retreat!
July 15, 2005 by Dr Guy
An 84 year old man is being sentenced to 10 years in Jail for killing his wife who was suffering from Alzheimers.  This sentence, due to his age, is essentially a life sentence. After killing her, he tried to kill himself and failed.  It is apparent from the testimony of friends and relatives that the man loved his wife very much, an did not kill her out of expedience.  Indeed, if that was the reason for it, I doubt he would have tried to kill himself after the fact. While t...
July 15, 2005 by Dr Guy
The Publisher is offering a free chapter of this book for download.  I just finished reading it, and it is very scary.  The author did her homework as there are 80 footnotes documenting the sources for these allegations and 'coincidences' that occurred with the story of Jaunita Broderick. It is very telling that in all their denials, the Clinton lackeys never truly denied the story, and only tried to smear her with the lame excuse that since she was having an affair, she must have '...
July 14, 2005 by Dr Guy
Check out the Narrative Off the coast of Va.  Do you think they were directing it to me?
July 14, 2005 by Dr Guy
Now I know we have had many articles on what works to stop the spread of STDs, and avoid Pregnancy.  And indeed while abstinance may not be the only solution, no one can argue that practicing it is always 100% effective.  But kids being kids (and adults being adults as well), we know it is not going to practiced all the time.  The wrold is not edenic any more. But to trash Abstinence just because you cant keep your pecker in your pants, or your knickers pulled up is just total ...
July 14, 2005 by Dr Guy
"Climate Scientists Fear Fudge at G8 Meeting"--headline,, July 5 But no doubts about Peanut Butter. "Japan Tries to Make Condoms Fun"--headline, Agence France-Presse, July 5 I thought Condoms were FOR FUN?!?!?!?! "Democrats Seek Court Nominee With 'Big Heart' "--headline, Reuters, July 9, 2005 "Daughter: Saddam 'Had a Big Heart' "--headline,, Aug. 2, 2003 So are Democrats looking for Saddam for the SCOTUS? "N. Korea Agrees to Nuke Talks"--headl...
July 14, 2005 by Dr Guy
"Climate Scientists Fear Fudge at G8 Meeting"--headline,, July 5 But no doubts about Peanut Butter. "Japan Tries to Make Condoms Fun"--headline, Agence France-Presse, July 5 I thought Condoms were FOR FUN?!?!?!?! "Democrats Seek Court Nominee With 'Big Heart' "--headline, Reuters, July 9, 2005 "Daughter: Saddam 'Had a Big Heart' "--headline,, Aug. 2, 2003 So are Democrats looking for Saddam for the SCOTUS? "N. Korea Agrees to Nuke Talks"--headl...
July 13, 2005 by Dr Guy
The California National guard is under fire for a flier that states they were going to dip bullets in pig blood before firing them at, I would gather, Muslims. At least it is the Muslims that are up in arms about it.  But one has to ask why?  If they are going to be in the cross hairs of a National Guard Rifle, it pretty much means they have already committed enough sins to prevent them from getting into ValHalla (oops, wrong religion) heaven anyway.  And if these supposed pe...
July 13, 2005 by Dr Guy
I pick o Editors a lot, so it is only fair that some of the non-editors get their day in the ummm,,,,errrr,...Sun? "Golden, Ripe, Boneless Bananas, 39 Cents A Pound." - Ad in the "Missoulian" by Orange Street Food Farm Boneless? "Sure there have been injuries and deaths in boxing - but none of them serious." - Alan Minter, Boxer Good thing Death is not serious! "I think that the film Clueless was very deep. I think it was deep in the way that it was very light. I think light...
July 13, 2005 by Dr Guy
I pick o Editors a lot, so it is only fair that some of the non-editors get their day in the ummm,,,,errrr,...Sun? "Golden, Ripe, Boneless Bananas, 39 Cents A Pound." - Ad in the "Missoulian" by Orange Street Food Farm Boneless? "Sure there have been injuries and deaths in boxing - but none of them serious." - Alan Minter, Boxer Good thing Death is not serious! "I think that the film Clueless was very deep. I think it was deep in the way that it was very light. I think light...
July 13, 2005 by Dr Guy
From the Florida Newspaper, I quote: After reviewing the records, Circuit Judge Thomas Barkdull on Wednesday handed over two stacks of documents sealed in plastic to Assistant State Attorney James Martz and Black, whose stack was substantially thicker. Barkdull wrote in his formal order that the state was given only those records that fell within the scope of the investigation. The rest were returned to Black. The order cautioned that a protective order barring the State Attorney's Office...