From the Florida Newspaper, I quote:
After reviewing the records, Circuit Judge Thomas Barkdull on Wednesday handed over two stacks of documents sealed in plastic to Assistant State Attorney James Martz and Black, whose stack was substantially thicker. Barkdull wrote in his formal order that the state was given only those records that fell within the scope of the investigation. The rest were returned to Black. The order cautioned that a protective order barring the State Attorney's Office from disclosing the records to anyone not involved in the investigation remains in effect.
Note the Italicized part. Note also that a summary of the prescribed Pills was released by Roy Black:
Of the 2,130 pills prescribed, only 1,863 were painkillers, and of those only 1,733 were for hydrocodone. These were to be taken over a period of 217 days, from the date of the first prescription until 30 days from the date of the last prescription. The dose averages out to a little over eight pills a day,
that comes to just over eight pills per day, two fewer than what Limbaugh was prescribed.
While the DA dances at their apparent victory, the only thing apparent from looking at the evidence they have 'illegally' obtained is that there is no there there. It is doubtful they will drop this, but string it out for effect as long as they can. And that is abuse of prosecutorial power. I hope Roy Black sues them on those grounds and ruins this clowns career. He deserves nothing less.