Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
By Candice Jackson
Published on July 15, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

The Publisher is offering a free chapter of this book for download.  I just finished reading it, and it is very scary.  The author did her homework as there are 80 footnotes documenting the sources for these allegations and 'coincidences' that occurred with the story of Jaunita Broderick.

It is very telling that in all their denials, the Clinton lackeys never truly denied the story, and only tried to smear her with the lame excuse that since she was having an affair, she must have 'wanted' it.  A charge that even Gloria Allred, not a friend of the right, finds especially distasteful. And a common defense of many date rapists when brought to the witness stand.

Except this was not even a date rape, as she had no intention of dating Clinton since both were married, and she was just working on his election campaign.

The chapter makes you wonder how low will the clintonistas go to protect Bill and Hillary from what can only be called a steady stream of accusers that he is not a gentleman at all, but a sexual predator that will do anything to satisfy his voracious appetite.  It is also saddening that NOW did so little to help these women while cruxifying men who only pinched fannies and gave out unsolicited hugs.

I can see why Hillary never wanted this book to see the light of day.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 15, 2005
You can download the chapter from:
on Jul 15, 2005
just your mention of GLORIA HUGEHEAD in yer article made me wanna puke.
on Jul 15, 2005
I'm usually a fellow traveler with you, Dr. Guy, and no disrespect intended, but this subject just no longer interests me. I can't condone what is alleged in the book, but I believe it serves the conservative cause poorly to continually pound Clinton for his personal failings. Doesn't take a Harvard shrink to figure out Clinton's JFK complex - he believed all the stories and did his best to out-Kennedy him, but he's history and we have more immediate concerns, I'd think.

on Jul 16, 2005
Daiwa, Bill Clinton and his womanizing ways may be history (as far as national politics is concerned), but Hillary is far from history. She is a sitting U.S. Senator and a front runner for the Democrat ticket in 2008. If there were rapes, and Sen. Clinton took an active role in covering them up, that needs to be examined.

Dr. Guy. Great article. NOW and most other feminist organizations exposed themselves for what they really are (and especially what they really "aren't" with their defense of Bill Clinton. They were willing to degrade themselves by attacking the women who dared accuse Clinton of crimes against women. You are right, it seems ironic that they would make federal cases out of butt pinching and leering at women by men, but then defend Clinton's womanizing to the point of bringing into question their own credibility.
on Jul 18, 2005

just your mention of GLORIA HUGEHEAD in yer article made me wanna puke.

She has her purpose.  Especially here.

on Jul 18, 2005

I'm usually a fellow traveler with you, Dr. Guy, and no disrespect intended, but this subject just no longer interests me.

Not a problem.  But when you can get a chapter for free, I figured to take a read.  I let the subject speak for itself.

on Jul 18, 2005

Dr. Guy. Great article. NOW and most other feminist organizations exposed themselves for what they really are (and especially what they really "aren't" with their defense of Bill Clinton.

I tried to present the article in a neutral light (as in read it and you decide), but the comments are fair game!  And I agree with you totally.  It sickened me when NOW went after Kathleen Willey and she was a democrat!  If you are conservative and look at a woman cross eyed, Sexual Harrasment!  If you are a liberal and dont actually kill the woman, no harm no foul!

on Jul 18, 2005
Hillary was one of the more immediate concerns I was referring to. He's fair game in that sense, I guess, but I still feel the right would be smarter to deal directly with her faults & defects, not his. We've complained loudly enough about accusations of guilt by association & I'd like to see that pattern broken.

I agree that Kathleen Willey & the others were cast aside by NOW & other feminist groups for fear of offending the Democratic left, exposing their real agenda - power and a "place" at the table, yada yada. They certainly lost their credibility in the process.

on Jul 19, 2005

Hillary was one of the more immediate concerns I was referring to. He's fair game in that sense, I guess, but I still feel the right would be smarter to deal directly with her faults & defects, not his. We've complained loudly enough about accusations of guilt by association & I'd like to see that pattern broken.

The Book details how HILLARY was both an enabler of Bill and his sexcapades, and also their version of the Watergate Plumbers.  She not only knew about the pecadillos, she covered them up.  And that is going to be her bugaboo.

In 08, they are going to ask the question, how can she be president if she indeed did not know anything OR if she did know, why she lied about it?  It goes to credibility and ability, and it is a trap.

on Jul 19, 2005
reminds me...i gotta get started on my book about arnie's girls. working title is 'if a guy is gonna grope you on the set, wouldn't you rather it was a real man like me?'
on Jul 19, 2005
reminds me...i gotta get started on my book about arnie's girls. working title is 'if a guy is gonna grope you on the set, wouldn't you rather it was a real man like me?'

No offense kb, but I think if most women had the choice, Arnie would win! But Go for it! It will be a good read!
on Jul 21, 2005
No offense kb, but I think if most women had the choice, Arnie would win!

for about 2 years one of the people who was sorta in the mix of my friends and associates was bodybuilder of whom i'm occasionally reminded by awhnawld. at the time he'd been a perennial runner-up but ultimately won some sorta hot-shit title. i used to find him fairly amusing except when he'd fell compelled do somethin lame like go up to a chicks and ask the exact same question i'm pondering as a title to the schwartzenegger book. (altho don originated it, i wouldnt be surprised if the governator didn't employ a similar line.)

believe it or not, most women don't respond well to that sorta proposition.
on Jul 21, 2005

believe it or not, most women don't respond well to that sorta proposition.

Well, since I am not in the dating scene, I will take your word for it.

on Jul 23, 2005
Check out white house mambo screensaver playing nice music while 9 other famous ladies and men in Clintons life dance to mambo no. 5, but remove spyware first. Best Beatnik soundpack on
makes clock go "I lied to people" "Wait! - Wait,wait wait!" "I tried Marijuana when I was young,
and it did not taste good, I did not inhale" depending on whether its a quarter past, 3 quarters
to, or half (the) hour
on Jul 24, 2005
Hillary was one of the more immediate concerns I was referring to. He's fair game in that sense, I guess, but I still feel the right would be smarter to deal directly with her faults & defects, not his. We've complained loudly enough about accusations of guilt by association & I'd like to see that pattern broken.

Who is to blame for a father sexually abusing his kids... the father or the mother who knows it's going on but not only does nothing to stop it, tells others that her kids make up stories (just to cover the abuse up)?
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