"Climate Scientists Fear Fudge at G8 Meeting"--headline, NewScientist.com, July 5
But no doubts about Peanut Butter.
"Japan Tries to Make Condoms Fun"--headline, Agence France-Presse, July 5
I thought Condoms were FOR FUN?!?!?!?!
"Democrats Seek Court Nominee With 'Big Heart' "--headline, Reuters, July 9, 2005
"Daughter: Saddam 'Had a Big Heart' "--headline, CNN.com, Aug. 2, 2003
So are Democrats looking for Saddam for the SCOTUS?
"N. Korea Agrees to Nuke Talks"--headline, Washington Times, July 10
Well, they did warn us they would use their Nukes!
"Reading Police Shoot Suspect During Chase"--headline, WGAL-TV Web site (Lancaster, Pa.), July 8
Educators are getting serious about why Johnny Cant read!
"Hurricane Dennis Swipes Florida Keys"--headline, Associated Press, July 9
Is Jeb Bush going to change the locks?