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We got the Goods on you Sandusky!
Published on March 22, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

NC may have the best basketball team, and Mass the Best Football team, and Ca and FLA the biggest theme parks, but here in the Old Dominion, the Mother of Presidents, we got the fastest Roller Coaster!

To quote:

In 1884, LaMarcus A. Thompson built a ride at New York's Coney Island to bring people out of the local beer gardens. The tracks carried individual cars that climbed 15 feet in the air and zoomed along at 4 miles per hour. People swarmed to Coney Island to try this novelty for a nickel a ride. Today, the fastest roller coaster is the Alpengeist at Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, VA. It goes 67 mph - and it probably costs more than a nickel.

And it is free.  As long as you pay the $50 entrance fee.

(FYI: Sandusky ohio had the title of the fastest.  No more!)

on Mar 23, 2005

Kings Dominion is about 30 miles north of you just off I-95.  It has a lot more rides and more Roller Coasters.  Busch Gardens is about 50 miles east of you on I-64.  It is more themed for adults and as you can see, while not the quantity of roller coaster, it makes up for that in quality!

I prefer Busch gardens myself, but that is because I worked at KD for 3 years (many many many moons ago) and got tired of it.