Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Voices from around the world
Published on March 22, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

From one of the protests against the war on terrorism, we have Idiot #1:

Akono from Cambodia, who is married to a British man and is pregnant, said that she planned to go on a hunger strike from April 14 in protest against the continuing war on terror.

"I want to do everything I can to make sure my child has a secure future," she said.

Hey Brainless!  If you starve your unborn child, they wont have a future!

NO wonder thugs like Saddam and Kim Jung Il thrive with mindless puppets like these to bleat their idiocy.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 22, 2005
It's funny you mention population puppetry considering civilians like you have become immune to what the US is doing to innocent people wherever their troops go. I recall a time when the US population would have been horrified by their GI's committing slaughter. Sure you can argue the terminology all you want but at the end of the day the fact is that they're dead and innocent. Condoning the illegal quagmire is the unfortunate status quo. It's disgusting. Thugs. Are they such thugs the US wouldn't DO BUSINESS WITH THEM? Shaking hands with evil mass murdering Sadaam Hussein. Are they so thuggish the US shouldn't deal with them? Rumsfeld selling North Korea nuclear material. Sickening.
And let's not get into an argument where you will HAVE TO CONTRADICT THE WARHAWKS THEMSELVES. No threat and the sanctions worked they said.
Did you know any of this history by the way? Puppetry goes in all directions you know.
on Mar 22, 2005
Reiki-House: I think we have a few GIs here at JU that would take exception to your IGNORANT opinion of what our soldiers do. Where is this slaughter, you nit? There are reporters crawling all over Iraq right now. Where are the pictures? Where are the blood soaked piles of bodies?

I'll tell you where, scattered in the areas surrounding the bombed-out places destroyed by IRAQIS and foreign insurgents.

Get a farking life. Why not just stick to insulting homosexuals? At least you are sadly funny when you do that. When you talk about Iraq you are just sad.
on Mar 22, 2005

Reply By: Reiki-House                               Posted: Tuesday, March 22, 2005

You really are stupid and totally off topic.  Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

Hello Stupid!  If she starves herself, she will likely kill her unborn baby!  And it will have no future!


on Mar 22, 2005

Reiki-House: I think we have a few GIs here at JU that would take exception to your IGNORANT opinion of what our soldiers do.

Baker, I give up on this guy.  His posts are stupid and racist.  He hardly ever (never that I know of) posts on topic, and all his posts have the same stupid bent.  The EVIL US.

Ok, Myrrander, I am talking to you for the first time since your BL.  What you, Dabe (I think she and MM really are a couple BTW) and Wise fawn could not make me do, this idiot just did.

on Mar 22, 2005
People are just insanely bitter that the war they likened to Veitnam hasn't turned out to be the wash they envisioned. They are intolerably pissed of that their empty, knee-jerk values have failed them, and that there AREN'T piles of corpses slaughtered by the American invaders.

Anyone that can take the above article and turn it into another vanilla diatribe about Iraq is so bitter, and so ignorantly biased that they can't read ANYTHING without shrieking a tourette's syndrome Liberal response...
on Mar 22, 2005
Anyone that can take the above article and turn it into another vanilla diatribe about Iraq is so bitter, and so ignorantly biased that they can't read ANYTHING without shrieking a tourette's syndrome Liberal response...

And that was the stupid part of it! it was not a slam against the pros and cons of the Iraq (at least not the sane ones), just what fools these protesters be! And Kerry wanted us to get their opinion before we did anything?

can you Imagine if he had won? What a field day the conservatives would be having! instead of the slim pickings the liberals are having nipping at the edges of Bush' policies!
on Mar 22, 2005
I think the post waws about some woman who's going to starve herself until the "war" ends. To this effect, I would HAVE to agree with Guy about how fruitless this really is! I mean think about it, a growing infant NEEDS nutrition or it won't go right. Does this woman think anyone in control really CARES if she eats or not? The reality is... the only person she's hurting is herself, and maybe her unborn child. If she wants to do something I don't think causing harm to the baby will do ANY good. And as to the security of her childs future... If she starves herself TOO long the child won't be born. Or, if it IS born, will have major mental or physical problems. Is this the "security" she wants? I agree with Dr. Guy... This broad is a complete NUT!
on Mar 22, 2005

Let's sound this out..

Assertion: I want my unborn child to live in a more secure world. Therefore, I will starve my child to death.

Conclusion: Natural selection. A cruel but necessary part of life.

on Mar 22, 2005
It could be a Darwin Award in disguise.........
on Mar 22, 2005
It could be a Darwin Award in disguise.........

pretty poor disguise.
on Mar 22, 2005
pretty poor disguise.

Indeed. One has to hope that if the child survives, he/she won't be nearly as dense as his/her mother!
on Mar 23, 2005
Reiki-House: I think we have a few GIs here at JU that would take exception to your IGNORANT opinion of what our soldiers do.

Nice to know you consider me a murderer, Reiki; and we could have been such good friends! ;~D

btw Reiki, by any chance did your mother participate in a hunger strike while carrying you?? ;~D
on Mar 23, 2005
Ouch Whip, felt that over here in the innocent bystander section ! (( Dyno massages LW's shoulders between rounds ))

Thought for the day " Ignorance is bliss ", and ignoring blisters on the arse of a conversation leads to faster healing.......or,

" Ugly can be corrected by a plastic surgeon, but Stupid is a permanent state of mind", why waste the manual dexterity required to respond to a warped post?

I served my country to protect the freedoms afforded to all citizens, even the stupid ones. My daughter protects that freedom today ( USS Stennis ), and fark anyone who belittles that effort or takes it for granted !!!
on Mar 23, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Dabe (I think she and MM really are a couple BTW)

colleen {my wife} disgarees with you doc.

yep perfect thinking for the left... starve your kids so they have a better future..

starve a liberal for a better america!
on Mar 23, 2005
Once again another reason nobody cares what these "anti-war" protestors think. They would rather have a world filled with terrorists and dictators, just as long as you don't "offend" anybody.
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