Howard Dean was in Tennessee trying to drum up support for the democrats recently and trying to sound all religiousy. The problem is he came off sounding stupid and hypocritical.
In one sentence he said:
....Jesus' directive to ''love thy neighbor'' didn't mean one could choose which ones to love.
Sounds nice. Until you remember his statement from the Iowa Caucuses when an Audience member asked him to "tone down the garbage, the mean-mouthing, of tearing down your neighbor, and being so pompous." Dean Immediately snapped:
"George Bush is not my neighbor."
Then when the audience member tried to clarify, Dean then shouted:
"You sit down! You had your say, and now I'm going to have my say."
Guess Dean does not have any neighbors. Or more likely, as a typical liberal leader, he lives by the creed "Do as I say, not as I do".
Most of the rest of people just call that hypocrisy.
Next up for Dean? His entry on the Shortest Books in the World list: 'How to win Friends and Influence people - by Howard Dean'