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From Poor People
Published on August 29, 2007 By Dr Guy In Politics

Seems the Clintons really are on the side of the poor!  As long as they can give 5 and 6 figure campaign donations.

Back in 96 (for the younguns here), one of Gore's top fundraisers was caught with their hands in the poor box.  Seems Maria Hsai solicited $65,000 from a bunch of monks who had taken a vow of poverty.  She was later convicted of various crimes, and of course we all know that the esteemed legal Scholar orated on that episode that there was "no Controlling legal Authority" (Booby prize to the one who guesses that orator).

Now it seems that the Clinton campaign is at it again.  This time, soliciting $213,000 from some adults who "just coincidentally" work for a convicted felon named Norman Hsu and who seem to love their employer as they gave him the money to give to Hillary.  These adults are not named Hilton or Richie, and reports are they have "average" incomes.  $30k a piece from average incomes?  Pretty good!  Wish I had that much disposable. (Oh, wait, maybe they are the poor that Edwards keeps talking about).

Seems there is no filthy lucre (or ill booten gotty as Hawkeye would say) that the Clintons don't love!  Who is next?  The Boys and Girls clubs of NYC?  Seems to be in the same league.

Congratulations once again go to the Clintons for getting Blood out of that stone! Or Stones.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 29, 2007
They should write a how-to book. "How to get poor people to give you more money than they make in 4 years for a Presidential Campaign promising to give back to poor people"

Maybe that could be the sub-title.
on Aug 29, 2007
Maybe that could be the sub-title.

That's the Theme paragraph!
on Aug 29, 2007
clinton now has an official backer.

castro is backing clinton
on Aug 29, 2007
These adults are not named Hilton or Richie, and reports are they have "average" incomes. $30k a piece from average incomes? Pretty good! Wish I had that much disposable. (Oh, wait, maybe they are the poor that Edwards keeps talking about).

They should write a how-to book. "How to get poor people to give you more money than they make in 4 years for a Presidential Campaign promising to give back to poor people"

I can answer all this with just 2 lines. No need for a book.

Just think of the multi million dollar bill Hillary proposed to help pay the mortgages of these average income people; can you guess now how she will give the money back to them?
on Aug 29, 2007

castro is backing clinton

The dead love voting for democrats.

on Aug 29, 2007

Just think of the multi million dollar bill Hillary proposed to help pay the mortgages of these average income people; can you guess now how she will give the money back to them?

Well, the Monks took a vow of poverty.  And the article said these guys were living in a single house (although with SF Prices, they may need the whole bailout amount).

on Aug 29, 2007
everyone who believes that the democrats really care about the poor say yes.
on Aug 30, 2007

everyone who believes that the democrats really care about the poor say yes.

They do care about the poor.  They care about exploiting them and keeping them poor in order to get votes.

on Aug 30, 2007
They care about exploiting them and keeping them poor in order to get votes.

I always thought they wanted to keep them poor through dependance. I did not realize that they wanted to keep them poor by literally taking all their money.
on Aug 30, 2007
Letter to Mr Edwards and Mrs Clinton:

Dear Mr Edwards and Mrs Clinton,

My name is Iampoor Ascanbe. I am a low income, or as you call us, poor, individual who does not earn enough money to get 3 iPods for my family at one time. I also have a problem playing my xBox 360 games on my 27 inch flat screen so bought a 46 inch but haven't paid the credit card yet. I decided to save my house payments under my mothers name so that I can use it to buy that Mustang I dream of every night so I'm gonna need help with my mortgage payments as well. We look forward to staying a low income (poor) family and voting for the Democrats every elections so that my $75,000 a year middle income brother can help pay for my wants, I mean needs. Again, thanks Mr Edwards and Mr's Clinton for your generosity with other peoples money.
on Aug 30, 2007
My name is Iampoor Ascanbe.

I read the name and thought it was going to be another nigerian get rich quick scheme! LOL

Oh, wait - you mean it is Hillary and John sending out those scam letters?  
on Aug 30, 2007
I read the name and thought it was going to be another nigerian get rich quick scheme! LOL

Oh, wait - you mean it is Hillary and John sending out those scam letters?

These are the facts that Col uses. If we forget about them he might just use it as proof that poor people really are poor.
on Aug 30, 2007
These are the facts that Col uses.

I thought he made up his own????
on Aug 30, 2007
I thought he made up his own????

Actually he does, but he also uses those made up by other people, such as that Tenet guy.
on Aug 30, 2007
Dear Dr. Guy,

This thread delivers.

CharlesCS1...I'm still laughing. Iampoor Ascanbe, indeed

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