Several months back, I published a list of women that Bill Clinton had molested. Some are proven facts, some are allegations that may or may not ever be proven. NOW's silence on the allegations speak volumes on what their true agenda is and how they have sold out their own constitutency. Now comes a book by Candice Jackson, a Lawyer, detailing the physical, mental and psychological rape of so many women by not just Bill Clinton, but his wife and inner circle as well. Their Lives: The Wom...
As reported by the UBER conservative Boston Globe: Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Party, said yesterday that the US House majority leader, Tom DeLay, ''ought to go back to Houston where he can serve his jail sentence," referring to allegations of unethical conduct against the Republican leader. Dean's remark, in a speech to Massachusetts Democrats at their party convention, drew an immediate rebuke from US Representative Barney Frank, the Newton Democrat and one of De...
Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid called President Bush "a loser" during a civics discussion with a group of teenagers at a high school on Friday. "The man's father is a wonderful human being," Reid, D-Nev., told students at Del Sol High School when asked about the president's policies. "I think this guy is a loser." Well, it looks like the democrats are just plain losing it. I can see Doofuss Reid standing before a TV camera and preening for the loony ...
I like the way this article starts out: A conservative watchdog group As if they say "A liberal (or Progressive) watchdog group" when they talk about But that is for another blog. This story is not new, and there is some doubt she will be indicted. Too high a profile and Bush's not wanting to persue any cases against the clintons stand in the way. But what this does show is that the MSM and their willing sycophants in the liberal wing are being made f...
Liberals are quick to try a guilt trip on anyone that says they want a choice. IN which charities to contribute to. yet of Course what they are really saying is that you cant have a choice. you must support our charities. Why? Why must I contribute to a charity that siphons off 74% of the money for their overhead, and not to one that only takes 15%? Because the first is the feds and the latter is (gasp!) a religions based one. For the religious based one, I dont ha...
Yep! After all the bitterness and acrimony of the 2004 election, it still is not over. The State of Washington has a new governor, or maybe not. After 3 recounts, the democrat was elected by 129 votes out of 2.9 million cast. ANd then only after many suspicious missing votes were found in King County, a very heavily democrat area. And the Republicans are not giving up. In what amounts to court victory, a judge has ruled that Republicans can use proportional ...
The Washington pest just published one of their polls where they once again stacked the deck. IN this one, they headlines cdreamed that America did not want to stop the Filibustering of Judicial nominees! Well, that sounds informatiive. Until you actually read the poll (it is in PDF on the link). NO where in the question does it say anything about filibustering. No where! So how can they say that the american public does not want the filibustering to stop? Rea...
We began as a nation with a clear formulation of the basic relationship between God, our rights as individuals, the government we created to secure those rights, and the prerequisites for any power exercised by our government. Must be an extreme right winger. mentioning God! "We hold these truths to be self-evident," our founders declared. "That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. . . ." Unfair!&n...
The ACLU, as many now know, sued the City and County of Los Angeles to remove a cross from its seal. Shock! They must be supporting the separation of Church and state. But if that was the case, why did they not object to the pagan goddess on the same seal? Because they dont care about the separation of Church and State, tehy only care about harassing Christians for their own perverted ends. The proof is in the deeds, as their words are worthless.
We have all been regaled with the antics going on over at the To say they are representative of the loony loopy luddite left is an understatement. To find a sane rational person on that site is a feat in and of itself. Yet apparently some do exist. And one of them is the wife of John Edwards, former candidate for the vice presidents office. To her Credit she joined a discussion on Laura Ingram and her fight with Breast Cancer. Having been&n...
In the last 2 presidential elections, we have had democrat after democrat yelling about counting every vote. And even when every vote was counted, they tried to dig up some more corpses to count their votes (All in favor of the democrat, lie down. All in favor of the republican, stand up). Yet when they have a perfect chance to allow every vote to be counted in anotehr venue, they fail miserably. They are not only disenfranchising over half the people in this country, they a...
Rerferring to Robert "Sheets" Byrd: "the love of my life." Guess she loves his selection of Linens. On the option to end the filibuster of judicial nominations: "I thought I knew everything. I didn't get it. I'm here to say I was totally wrong." She should not have qualified it with only her thoughts on judicial nominations. It could easily apply to her whole career. On who is chairman of the Judicial Committee. Not Arlen Spectre, but Patrick Leahy because: ...
Ok, How many of you have actually listened to Air America? (Dabe, but both your hands down) It is not easy to listen to it as it is on so few stations, but I have found a couple that Randi Rhodes and recently got to listen to Al "What Brain" Franken. The former is a perky blond. That is the only way to put it. She has the IQ of a retarded Squid, but sounds sexy and is cute. She could not win a debate if it was a soliloquy. She is what most would call a harmless ol...
There has been a lot of finger pointing lately by the democrats that are so incensed with the sucess that Tom Delay has had in marginalizing them, that they want him gone, evidence of no evidence. And to that end, they have been trying to create a scandal out of a regular activity - Taking Junkets on someone elses dime. But as the old saying goes, when you point a finger at someone, 3 fingers are pointing back at you. And indeed as we have started to see trickle out, most of the a...
Back in 69, the liberals were in control and riding roughshod over the american people. Then, a pencil neck by the name of Joseph Barr comes riding in for a few days and declares to congress that 21 millionaires did not pay any tax the previous year due to loop holes (read: Deductions). Well these saints of sanctity could not let that stand! No the evil rich people must be punished for their sins! How dare they take advantage of the laws for their own benefit! So in its wisdom ...