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Dr Guy's Articles In Politics » Page 12
April 12, 2005 by Dr Guy
Ok, I can go for Airforce One.  And Marine One, but calling Bush's iPod "iPod One".  Aren't we going a little far with this? I will admit it made me laugh when I read it, but then it got me to thinking. Bush, in addition to listening to songs by Country and Western artists, most of whom did vote for him, also listens to artists who campaigned against him. In addition, since he got an iPod and not a Dell product, he does not hold the politics of the CEO against a company as it ...
April 11, 2005 by Dr Guy
What apparently started as an Internet Joke, is now being used by JOhn "whine me" Kerry to push through unneeded election reforms.  As justification for his latest "whiny" bleating, Kerry offers the following lame excuse: "Leaflets are handed out saying Democrats vote on Wednesday, Republicans vote on Tuesday....." Now I fully support the right of every american of legal age (and restored voting rights if you are a convicted felon) to vote.  Indeed, I would like to see more ...
April 8, 2005 by Dr Guy
Boxer and fellow idiot Bill Nelson are holding up Stephen Johnson's vote as head of the EPA.  The reason?  Because he will not denounce a program that tests children for pestacides. Not test Pestacides on Children, but just to see how the exposure to every day pesticide use affects children.  Now, instead of some boon doggle, I think that would have merit, as altho there are warning labels against allowing children to use them, no one has ever checked to see how everyday e...
April 6, 2005 by Dr Guy
By now, most Americans are well aware of Tom Delay's problems with the ethics committee and he has been piloried in the press and by the left for it.  Apparently, while nothing he has done is 'illegal', some of it is highly questionable and unethical. Now, comes his chief detractor in her shining armor to save the country from this scaliwag.  Yes, the great and moronic Nancy Pelosi is going to slay this evil dragon for the betterment of liberals every where. But wait!  Is th...
April 4, 2005 by Dr Guy
In what can only be described as a deafening silence from the left, Sandy Berger has quietly agreed to plead guilty to destroying National Security Documents.  These were the documents he wanted to hide from the 9-11 commission that showed the culpability of the Clinton Administration in not pursuing Terrorism on his watch. This is also why Clinton originally said he let Osama Bin Laden go 3 different times (when he thought he documents would be made public), before he retracted his stat...
April 1, 2005 by Dr Guy
Pat Buchanan was the target of yet another compassionate liberal trying to deny him his day of free speech.  While I only agree with about 20% of what Buchanan says, I have never advocated shutting him up. But like William Kriston just 2 days before, apparently free speech is only for the liberals.  All others apply at the back door.
April 1, 2005 by Dr Guy
it is getting to the point that every time he opens his mouth, and is not screaming, Howard dean is making a joke of himself!  So in honor of Howard "Screaming" Dean, I will start a column on Deanisms! Today we have the first installment. Addressing a rally in Pennsylvania, Dean is quoted as calling Rick Santorum a " Liar " and " rightwinger who actually lives in Virginia " I am sure this will come as a shock to the right wingers who tried to get him stripped of his committee's chairmans...
April 1, 2005 by Dr Guy
This is by no means comprehensive, so feel free to add to it.  And Dabe?  Stick your new taxes in your ear! Accounts Receivable Tax Boat Tax Building Permit Tax Cable Tax Capital Gains Tax Car Tax CDL License Tax Cigarette Tax Corporate Income Tax Court Fines (indirect taxes) Dog License Tax E-Rate Tax Federal Income Tax Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) Fishing License Tax Food License Tax Fuel permit tax Gasoline Tax (42 cents mi...
March 31, 2005 by Dr Guy
With few exceptions, the leaders of the left have tried to politicize the plight of Terri Schiavo.  But it did not start within the last few weeks, but has been going on for years. What they have failed to grasp is in arguing against Terri Schiavo, they are not being seen as the champions of dignity, but the champions of death.  In other words, in the last election Ed Jordan talking about the disabled, said: "there is good reason to believe they are sensitive to the fact that l...
March 31, 2005 by Dr Guy
Seems the loony left is out to subvert history once again as it is not to their liking. The luddites in Berkeley,led by (a true misnomer if there ever was one) teacher Marguerite Hughes have decided that since Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, his name is not worthy to grace an elementary school. Does she eve realize that - A: He was willed those slaves, and  - B: He freed them on his death, and - C: more importantly that without him and men like him, she would not have the right to be stup...
March 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
If you dont know who uttered those words, then you dont want to read any more. Jesse Jackson paid a visit to Terri Schiavo today and said that the removal of her feeding tube was "an injustice" and denying her nourishment was "unnecessary". It just goes to show what I have saying all along.  This is not a left right issue.  It is a human rights issue, and it is time for those who want to make it political to stop hiding behind their party leaders and step forward and declare what...
March 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
In just the past 24 hours, members of the extreme left demonstarted yet again how they just fail to grasp simple concepts.  This is not due to a lack of intelligence, but the trait that has condemned them to the minority party status, arrogance. In one instance, a member of the extreme left accused the right of hijacking the center.  Hijacking it?  Check me if I am wrong, but the last armed insurrection in America occured 140 years ago.  No one Hijacked anything.  Wha...
March 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
Actual Quotes from from the supposed party of Compassion: "Terri Schiavo has the same likelihood of swallowing as a Chia Pet."  - GiovanniC "If we can't make fun of the living dead, who can we make fun of?" - Modem Butterfly I have an Idea Ms. Butterfly, how about making fun of your stupidity.  Asshole.
March 25, 2005 by Dr Guy
ABC news in an 'exclusive' story try to pawn off an obviously forged memo that purported to show the GOP talking points over the Schiavo issue. The problem is, Just like Dan Rather 6 months ago, it was a forgery. Now this brings up 2 interesting lessons.  First, for the people so inclined to believe that the Mainstream Media is not biased (or for the loony loopy luddite lefties that believe it is right wing), this clearly de...
March 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
Mark Shields, an admitted Liberal, is calling into question the concept of the 'Big Tent' for the Democrats.  Since FDR, the Democrats have touted the concept that they are all inclusive and the Republicans are an exclusive elitist sect. Yet since the 70s, the exact opposite has been true, yet the myth, at least among the democrats, has persisted.  They are the magnanimous ones, the republicans are the exlusive party of the rich fat cats. Yet, what is apparent to all non-democrat...