Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Is not selling well anymore
Published on March 31, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

With few exceptions, the leaders of the left have tried to politicize the plight of Terri Schiavo.  But it did not start within the last few weeks, but has been going on for years.

What they have failed to grasp is in arguing against Terri Schiavo, they are not being seen as the champions of dignity, but the champions of death.  In other words, in the last election Ed Jordan talking about the disabled, said:

"there is good reason to believe they are sensitive to the fact that liberals like Senator Kerry want to give them the right to die, while conservatives like President Bush want to give them the right to live."

This is born out by the following telling statistics (from the Wall Street Journal) in the past elections:

In a dramatic shift in support toward a Republican presidential candidate, a clear majority of voters with disabilities chose George W. Bush over Sen. John Kerry in last week's national election. According to a survey conducted by telephone between October 29 and November 1, 2004 by Harris Interactive, likely voters with disabilities preferred President George W. Bush over Senator John Kerry by 52.5 percent to 46 percent. . . .

In past presidential elections, people with disabilities have consistently supported Democrats over Republicans by solid majorities. According to Harris Interactive, in 2000, Vice President Al Gore was preferred 56 to 38 percent by likely voters over then-Governor George W. Bush. Bill Clinton carried the disability vote 69 percent to 23 percent over Senator Dole in 1996, and 52 percent to 29 percent over President H.W. Bush in 1992.

Congratulations to the liberal elite for showing those that are the most in need of help among us your true colors.

on Mar 31, 2005
the new war cry for the mentally challenged left..... criminals good, handicapped bad.
on Mar 31, 2005

the new war cry for the mentally challenged left..... criminals good, handicapped bad.

that is a sad testament to what the left has become, but oh so true.

on Apr 02, 2005
Dr Guy, the people who politicised the Terry Schiavo situation were the neo-Nazi way-out-there Christians and their hangers on.
on Apr 02, 2005
Damn, did I shut 'em up?

Hard to argue with history, I suppose. (Unless your initials are RH, and then you can convince yourself they had swimming pools and massages for the prisoners of Auschwitz.)

Awwww musta been a chickensh**!
on Apr 03, 2005

Dr Guy, the people who politicised the Terry Schiavo situation were the neo-Nazi way-out-there Christians and their hangers on.

You must not get out much, or you are calling the Liberal leadership nazis. Either way, the liberal leadership is not christian, and it was not christians politicizing it.  They WERE defending their beliefs.  I do believe that is still a constitutional right for ALL americans, altho the left sure thinks it is solely owned by the left.

on Apr 03, 2005

If anyone is to be called a "neo-Nazi" in this case, I'd think the ones calling for her death are closer to that definition than those trying to spare her life.

Strange how this 'solution' puts those for it in league with the Nazis.  A favorite name used by the left to describe the right, yet the truth is that the left holds more in common with them than the right does or ever will.

on Apr 03, 2005

Hard to argue with history, I suppose. (Unless your initials are RH, and then you can convince yourself they had swimming pools and massages for the prisoners of Auschwitz.)

Hard for liberals to argue with facts.  But they 'feel' for you, remember?

on Apr 03, 2005
Yeah, I've noticed they tend to disappear when confronted with real evidence. All knee-jerk emotion, no substance or basis in fact.

Well, they do have google. But they stop at the first article that supports their argument never checking to see if it is accurate or applicable. I have run across that several times, and when presented with the reality, they do disappear.