With few exceptions, the leaders of the left have tried to politicize the plight of Terri Schiavo. But it did not start within the last few weeks, but has been going on for years.
What they have failed to grasp is in arguing against Terri Schiavo, they are not being seen as the champions of dignity, but the champions of death. In other words, in the last election Ed Jordan talking about the disabled, said:
"there is good reason to believe they are sensitive to the fact that liberals like Senator Kerry want to give them the right to die, while conservatives like President Bush want to give them the right to live."
This is born out by the following telling statistics (from the Wall Street Journal) in the past elections:
In a dramatic shift in support toward a Republican presidential candidate, a clear majority of voters with disabilities chose George W. Bush over Sen. John Kerry in last week's national election. According to a survey conducted by telephone between October 29 and November 1, 2004 by Harris Interactive, likely voters with disabilities preferred President George W. Bush over Senator John Kerry by 52.5 percent to 46 percent. . . .
In past presidential elections, people with disabilities have consistently supported Democrats over Republicans by solid majorities. According to Harris Interactive, in 2000, Vice President Al Gore was preferred 56 to 38 percent by likely voters over then-Governor George W. Bush. Bill Clinton carried the disability vote 69 percent to 23 percent over Senator Dole in 1996, and 52 percent to 29 percent over President H.W. Bush in 1992.
Congratulations to the liberal elite for showing those that are the most in need of help among us your true colors.