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"in The Peoples’ Republic of Berkeley"
Published on March 31, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

Seems the loony left is out to subvert history once again as it is not to their liking. The luddites in Berkeley,led by (a true misnomer if there ever was one) teacher Marguerite Hughes have decided that since Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, his name is not worthy to grace an elementary school.

Does she eve realize that - A: He was willed those slaves, and  - B: He freed them on his death, and - C: more importantly that without him and men like him, she would not have the right to be stupid?

Probably not.  People so ignorant cant be confused by mere facts.

That is fine by us Virginians where half the states architecture is due to him, and our very independance is a testament to him and other brave men and women who never knew the idiocy of political correctness taken to stupidity.

We have many institutions named after him in the old Dominion, and One of the finest Universities in the World started by him, UVA (William and Mary is the other one).  We will gladly fill the vacuum left by the stupidty and ignorance in  the left coast intelligence void of Berkeley with another School named for him.

I guess they will band George Washington next.  Hello stupids!  His wife owned slaves too!

on Mar 31, 2005
yep destroy all the founding Fathers, all hail the new liberal, heroes such as ward churchill will now be lionized as "reaL AMERICANS" throw in a new reading primer hanoijohn and hanoi jane go to vietnam to subvert america and now you have it, the new improoved {not{} america.
on Mar 31, 2005

yep destroy all the founding Fathers, all hail the new liberal, heroes such as ward churchill will now be lionized as "reaL AMERICANS" throw in a new reading primer hanoijohn and hanoi jane go to vietnam to subvert america and now you have it, the new improoved {not{} america.

The article does mention hanoi jane as a possible new name for those idgits.