George Orwell was a very insightful man. Who had a gift of taking complex or confusing rhetoric and boiling it down to the bare essentials so that even the most obtuse of us could understand it. Or maybe not. He wrote 2 novels about the evils of government, 1984 and my favorite, Animal Farm. The quick and dirty of Animal Farm is that the animals on a farm revolt against the farmer and take over. At first, there is an egalitarian type of society formed, but very soon, t...
I have to wonder if there is anything that has, will or will not happen that is not Bush 43's fault. We are told DAILY that all the bad in the world is Bush's fault. From Obama down to the lowliest criminal, all actions that are bad, all events that are bad, all mishaps, misunderstandings, or misqueues are Bush's fault. The latest is more of the same. Maxine Waters, caught with her hand in the cookie jar, is blaming Bush for her crimes! I am sure Bush is also responsib...
We had a red letter day on August 2, 2010. But not one that many will celebrate as the damage done to people, and this country is not something that will be celebrated by true Americans. First up, we do have a celebration. The Commonwealth of Virginia just locked arms with the State of Arizona in standing up for its citizens. Something the federal government refuses to do, and indeed as will be shown, has decided that the rights of citizens are secondary to the new world o...
Another example of lack of character, albeit less surprising, comes from a member of the press. Sarah Spitz, a member of JournoList, had an orgasm of glee when thinking about Rush Limbaugh having a heart attack and declaring, unequivocally, how she would not do a thing to help him, just jump for joy. Like the other cockroaches of the Journolist, her revelation was found out and outed. Today, she issued a clarification: I made poorly considered remarks about Rush Limbaugh to w...
For years, liberal bloggers, bereft of any substantive arguments, have tried to use a source to show others that their thinking was wrong, and that their sources were bogus. That source was Media Matters. A supposed unbiased watchdog of the Media that would tell us when someone was lying, obfuscating or distorting. They swore by their new found god to discredit the arguments they could not debate. And for good reason did these liberal bloggers love Media Matters. For m...
The title is a quote from J.C. Watts. I know, the liberals are climbing out of the woodwork right now calling him a Nazi concentration Camp guard ( Luke Visconti ), or an " Uncle Tom ". Why? Because he is not a slave on the democrat plantation who actually has a mind of his own and is not afraid to speak it. And he is right with his statement. Character is what you do when you think no one is looking. And the NAACP has no character. Recently, the august (in...
One of the deceptions that the Obama administration is trying to push on the American Populace is that "The border has never been safer"! So why not let more illegals in? So if the borders are so safe, and nothing needs to be done to the borders (just offer amnesty for all the illegals here), why then are the feds providing armed escorts for federal livestock inspectors? In this day and age of the alternate media and of course non-sycophantic media like Fox and Drudge, lying by the g...
Fox News has a slide show on the addresses of the presidents to the nation from the oval office in the broadcast age. It is very enlightening. For the most part, we see how past presidents have used the occasion to address the nation in the time of national crises, often when the very existence of the nation was at stake, or had been secured. There slides represent 11 of the last 13 presidents and details what their initial address was about, and any subsequent address...
Well, I have seen it all now! Obama has decided that his supporters cannot think for themselves (that is nothing new in itself, but the blatant expression of it is unprecedented). So for all the idiot liberals out there, do not worry about sounding stupid! just go to Radio Barak Obama dot com and have your views spoon fed to you! And then like a good little bundest, report your results back to Il Duce himself!
In what is the stupidest example of both lack of journalistic integrity and the left's lack of personal responsibility, Bush, having been blamed for everything for the last 10 years (although being out of office for the last 2), now seems to be a home wrecker. Apparently, Al Gore's failed marriage is his fault too! The reasoning (lack there of) goes that the defeat of Gore in 2000 was just too much for the marriage to bear. Never mind it was the fourth time in history it has happe...
For almost 8 years, many democrats (or just loony liberals) called for the impeachment of Bush. The reasons were never substantial, the main one being they just could not stand him (probably because he beat Al Gore for President). But even with significant majorities in both houses of congress during the last 2 years, there was no serious movement by democrat leaders to carry out the impeachment. Why? There was no impeachable offense, just offensive policies. 12 years ago...
We have a speaker who does not know what legislation she is passing, and an Attorney General that does not read laws he passes judgment on. And Obama is going to fix education? Congratulations America. The change you voted for is to make sure your elected officials are as ignorant and illiterate as your children.
Recently one of our more esteemed members of JU wrote a light hearted article basically detailing his jobs before he had skills. In other words, entry level. His title provoked a strong response from another member of JU and myself, as the debate really had nothing to do with his article. But the debate got me to thinking about the whole immigration debate. Specifically illegal immigrants, and what some want to make of this debate. They are being less than honest by tr...
The level of stupidity on the left in this country continues to amaze me. The latest incident in their quest to subvert the laws, culture and citizens of the US comes to us from California, where 5 children were sent home from school. Their crime? They wore the American flag on outerwear. That is it! You can burn the flag, use it to wipe your behind with, stamp on it, spit on it or piss on it. But in Left America, you cannot wear it. At least not on a holid...
Arizona is in the news of late. The passed what amounts to an enforcement law of a federal law - i.e. they passed a law stating they will enforce a federal law. The law was very carefully written in expectations of being challenged on constitutional grounds. And of course every liberal from Obama down to Gavin Newsome has both decried the law, and threatened (if standing permitted) to take it to court. But even liberal constitutional scholars are doubting any will succeed ...