it is getting to the point that every time he opens his mouth, and is not screaming, Howard dean is making a joke of himself! So in honor of Howard "Screaming" Dean, I will start a column on Deanisms!
Today we have the first installment. Addressing a rally in Pennsylvania, Dean is quoted as calling Rick Santorum a "Liar" and "rightwinger who actually lives in Virginia" I am sure this will come as a shock to the right wingers who tried to get him stripped of his committee's chairmanship. He went on:
"He doesn't tell the truth,"
Dean joked that Santorum should "stay in Virginia," although he added that the senator was "too much of a right-winger for Virginia. How about Venezuela?"
Ok, Politics is politics and we cant expect Dean to know that Virginia is conservative as well,but then comes the Deanism:
Dean urged his fellow Democrats "to use less confrontational language with those socially conservative Democrats who deserted the party last year to vote for [President] Bush."
Another classic example of liberalism. DO as I say, not as I do!
He does provide a lot of laughs!