Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Oh how glad we have him around.
Published on April 1, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

it is getting to the point that every time he opens his mouth, and is not screaming, Howard dean is making a joke of himself!  So in honor of Howard "Screaming" Dean, I will start a column on Deanisms!

Today we have the first installment. Addressing a rally in Pennsylvania, Dean is quoted as calling Rick Santorum a "Liar" and "rightwinger who actually lives in Virginia" I am sure this will come as a shock to the right wingers who tried to get him stripped of his committee's chairmanship.  He went on:

"He doesn't tell the truth,"

Dean joked that Santorum should "stay in Virginia," although he added that the senator was "too much of a right-winger for Virginia. How about Venezuela?"

Ok, Politics is politics and we cant expect Dean to know that Virginia is conservative as well,but then comes the Deanism:

Dean urged his fellow Democrats "to use less confrontational language with those socially conservative Democrats who deserted the party last year to vote for [President] Bush."

Another classic example of liberalism.  DO as I say, not as I do!

He does provide a lot of laughs!

on Apr 03, 2005
My favorite joke on Dean is the Democrats saying, "We wouldn't want you in a position of importance or anything, but go ahead and run the DNC!"
on Apr 03, 2005

My favorite joke on Dean is the Democrats saying, "We wouldn't want you in a position of importance or anything, but go ahead and run the DNC!"

OMG!  ROFL!  Never heard that one!

on Apr 03, 2005
OMG! ROFL! Never heard that one!

I know you haven't, I just came up with it after I read your article! Tell me it ain't true though!! ;~D