Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Yes Virginia, there are people that stupid
Published on April 11, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

What apparently started as an Internet Joke, is now being used by JOhn "whine me" Kerry to push through unneeded election reforms.  As justification for his latest "whiny" bleating, Kerry offers the following lame excuse:

"Leaflets are handed out saying Democrats vote on Wednesday, Republicans vote on Tuesday....."

Now I fully support the right of every american of legal age (and restored voting rights if you are a convicted felon) to vote.  Indeed, I would like to see more vote so we could do away with Whiny liberals (but I somehow doubt that would stop the whining), but no where in the constitution, or any election laws does it say that everyone must vote intelligently!

Apparently, the democrats think their supporters are easily duped and stupid.

Wait, come to think of it, so do I!

on Apr 11, 2005
Your phraseology, "easily duped", stinks of racism. We get the coded message, wink!

Dr. Guy, poke fun at progressive Americans if you must, but Kerry's changing your corrupt electoral process is noble indeed.

Tan fecit ut urbem servaret: he did such great things that he saved the city.

BTW, I undertatnd Ted Kennedy's pulling the strings behind the scene, as his aim is the white house in '08.

If only John, John had lived. Sigh.
on Apr 11, 2005
I laugh at the Democrats here in Wisconsin. They have been screaming "election reform" for years, but they don't even want to discuss it now. In fact, the ones I have brought it up with have decided that "election reform" is all a ploy by Republicans to discredit our whole process. What made the difference in their minds?

The number of votes that have been demonstrated to be fraudulent far outnumber the margin by which Kerry took the state.

I guess fraud is fine... if it makes a state blue!
on Apr 11, 2005

Reply By: Tarantula-X (Bob's devoted lover)(Anonymous User)Posted: Monday, April 11, 2005
Your phraseology, "easily duped", stinks of racism. We get the coded message, wink!

Finally!  A post on topic!

on Apr 11, 2005

I guess fraud is fine... if it makes a state blue!

So does a kick in the balls!  But that is a subject for another day.

on Apr 11, 2005
Anyone stupid enough to fall for that crap doesn't need to be voting anyway.

Anyone that stupid would not understand how to vote in the first place!
on Apr 11, 2005
I guess this sort of thing lends credibility to Col Gene's assertion that people are too dumb to make their own decisions. I wonder if he'd be willing to extend this to say that obviously the far left is too dumb to be allowed to vote.
on Apr 11, 2005
Anyone stupid enough to fall for that crap doesn't need to be voting anyway.

Anyone that stupid would not understand how to vote in the first place!

Little Hypocrite is running for the linen closet, while Dr. Guy makes a beeline to the gas station.

Then, they rendezvous with Dr. Miller, Diamondredneck, and The Hawk to burn that there them cross.
on Apr 11, 2005
"So does a kick in the balls!"

Racist Moron! How does a kick in the balls turn a state blue?

Don't hide behind coded language; come right on out and admit that you despise your Black colleague's getting tenure, while you can only hope. Your race would not be hinder to you if you were truly... that good. Isn't that the song and dance you perform when preaching that cream rises to the top when you rail against affirmative action and quotas. The man, the man, he man, just won't give up, no matter where you turn, there he be, crapping all over the noble worker. Society should rise with the sun, plough fields, retire to quarters, and read passages from Das Kapital. That's paradise, the only true heaven.

BTW, American conservative, Paul Wolfman, is returning lady liberty to France where it belongs, as freedom no loner reigns in the United State of Corporate America.

Tell Dr. Miller to stop posting under my handle. Miller's netzero free trial period is about to expire.