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Dr Guy's Articles In Politics » Page 9
March 31, 2005 by Dr Guy
With few exceptions, the leaders of the left have tried to politicize the plight of Terri Schiavo.  But it did not start within the last few weeks, but has been going on for years. What they have failed to grasp is in arguing against Terri Schiavo, they are not being seen as the champions of dignity, but the champions of death.  In other words, in the last election Ed Jordan talking about the disabled, said: "there is good reason to believe they are sensitive to the fact that l...
March 31, 2005 by Dr Guy
Seems the loony left is out to subvert history once again as it is not to their liking. The luddites in Berkeley,led by (a true misnomer if there ever was one) teacher Marguerite Hughes have decided that since Thomas Jefferson owned slaves, his name is not worthy to grace an elementary school. Does she eve realize that - A: He was willed those slaves, and  - B: He freed them on his death, and - C: more importantly that without him and men like him, she would not have the right to be stup...
March 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
If you dont know who uttered those words, then you dont want to read any more. Jesse Jackson paid a visit to Terri Schiavo today and said that the removal of her feeding tube was "an injustice" and denying her nourishment was "unnecessary". It just goes to show what I have saying all along.  This is not a left right issue.  It is a human rights issue, and it is time for those who want to make it political to stop hiding behind their party leaders and step forward and declare what...
March 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
In just the past 24 hours, members of the extreme left demonstarted yet again how they just fail to grasp simple concepts.  This is not due to a lack of intelligence, but the trait that has condemned them to the minority party status, arrogance. In one instance, a member of the extreme left accused the right of hijacking the center.  Hijacking it?  Check me if I am wrong, but the last armed insurrection in America occured 140 years ago.  No one Hijacked anything.  Wha...
March 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
Actual Quotes from from the supposed party of Compassion: "Terri Schiavo has the same likelihood of swallowing as a Chia Pet."  - GiovanniC "If we can't make fun of the living dead, who can we make fun of?" - Modem Butterfly I have an Idea Ms. Butterfly, how about making fun of your stupidity.  Asshole.
March 25, 2005 by Dr Guy
ABC news in an 'exclusive' story try to pawn off an obviously forged memo that purported to show the GOP talking points over the Schiavo issue. The problem is, Just like Dan Rather 6 months ago, it was a forgery. Now this brings up 2 interesting lessons.  First, for the people so inclined to believe that the Mainstream Media is not biased (or for the loony loopy luddite lefties that believe it is right wing), this clearly de...
March 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
Mark Shields, an admitted Liberal, is calling into question the concept of the 'Big Tent' for the Democrats.  Since FDR, the Democrats have touted the concept that they are all inclusive and the Republicans are an exclusive elitist sect. Yet since the 70s, the exact opposite has been true, yet the myth, at least among the democrats, has persisted.  They are the magnanimous ones, the republicans are the exlusive party of the rich fat cats. Yet, what is apparent to all non-democrat...
March 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
Harry Reid went to Iraq and was {Shock} surprised to learn there were so many guns around!  WOW!  What a revelation!  We should have had a think tank delve into that issue for years, at a cost of millions of dollars for come up with that revelation. And dear old harry did it with just one visit to a war zone! Democrats, this is one of the leaders of your party, and you want people to take you seriously when they call others stupid and yet make moronic statements like this? ...
March 24, 2005 by Dr Guy
Howard Dean was in Tennessee trying to drum up support for the democrats recently and trying to sound all religiousy.  The problem is he came off sounding stupid and hypocritical. In one sentence he said: ....Jesus' directive to ''love thy neighbor'' didn't mean one could choose which ones to love. Sounds nice. Until you remember his statement from the Iowa Caucuses when an Audience member asked him to " tone down the garbage, the mean-mouthing, of tearing down your neighbo...
March 23, 2005 by Dr Guy
A lot has been made of the Jeff Gannon brouhaha, but now comes a book by Humberto Fontova (Fidel: Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant) that not only says Rather Took his marching orders from Clinton confidant Gregory Craig, but also took his words from him! In September 2004, many people rallied to Rather's side as a victim of a hoax over ForgeryGate, when in fact the evidence was clear that Rather was no more than a democrat mouthpiece posing as a MSM anchor.  But the truth would eventually com...
March 23, 2005 by Dr Guy
We all know by now Robert "Klegle" Byrd's infamous comparison of the Republicans to the Nazis.  Now one of his little toady sycophants at the LA Times is comparing them to Joseeph Stalin. Conservatives are the historical defenders of states' rights, and the supposed proponents of keeping big government out of people's lives, but this case once again shows that some social conservatives are happy to see the federal government acquire Stalinist proportions when imposing their morality on...
March 22, 2005 by Dr Guy
From one of the protests against the war on terrorism, we have Idiot #1: Akono from Cambodia, who is married to a British man and is pregnant, said that she planned to go on a hunger strike from April 14 in protest against the continuing war on terror. "I want to do everything I can to make sure my child has a secure future," she said. Hey Brainless!  If you starve your unborn child, they wont have a future! NO wonder thugs like Saddam and Kim Jung Il thrive with m...
March 22, 2005 by Dr Guy
Disclaimer for Liberals:  The source for this article is the Drudge Report. That being said, it seems very amusing that Liberals embrace Larry Flynt, probably the raunchiest of the raunchy when it comes to porn, and now have tried to silence Michele Zipp, the editor of Playgirl. Her crime (well for them at least)?  She voted Republican! Tsk, Tsk, Liberals!  Pull up your pantaloons, your slip is showing again! [Qualifier] The term liberals refers to those described in t...
March 22, 2005 by Dr Guy
During the MoveOn.Org "We Bought and Paid for you, now you dance to our tune" rally for Democrats, Barbara Boxer, admittedly the stupidest member of the Senate, said the following: Why would we give lifetime appointments to people who earn up to $200,000 a year, with absolutely a great retirement system, and all the things all Americans wish for, with absolutely no check and balance except that one confirmation vote? So we're saying we think you ought to get nine votes over the 51 required....
March 21, 2005 by Dr Guy
Under the FOIA, the Bush Administration was forced to turn over the Pardon Documents from the last days of the Clinton Presidency.  SO they did. But they blacked out virtually everything except the names, which is pissing off a lot of conservatives out to hang Clinton by his actions. And for angering so many conservatives, one would expect some kudos from the left on at least how fair Bush is. And if one so expected, one would be wrong.  Except as a footnote in a news story, i...