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Dr Guy's Articles » Page 90
August 13, 2005 by Dr Guy
After promising to "leave this country" if George W Bush was re-elected, apparently, to no one's surprise, that was just talk and no action. But official statistics show the number of Americans actually applying to live permanently in Canada fell in the six months after the election. So in 08 when the liberals promise something, just remember, their word is about as useful as a swiss cheese rubber.
August 13, 2005 by Dr Guy
"South Dakota Fossil Yields New Dinosaur Species"--headline, Reuters, May 2 They really should not talk about their old people that way. "Mime Plan's Language Draws Offense"--headline, Boston Globe, May 3 Did he give them the finger? "Concessions Urged As Nuclear Fears Rise"--headline, Associated Press, May 2 Red hots!  Get your red hots here! Red hots! "Democratic Pollster: We Don't Stand for Anything"--headline,, Aug. 3 Must be a lot of sore tails if ...
August 13, 2005 by Dr Guy
"South Dakota Fossil Yields New Dinosaur Species"--headline, Reuters, May 2 They really should not talk about their old people that way. "Mime Plan's Language Draws Offense"--headline, Boston Globe, May 3 Did he give them the finger? "Concessions Urged As Nuclear Fears Rise"--headline, Associated Press, May 2 Red hots!  Get your red hots here! Red hots! "Democratic Pollster: We Don't Stand for Anything"--headline,, Aug. 3 Must be a lot of sore tails if ...
August 13, 2005 by Dr Guy
Cajun Family Tree  -  The Geaux Family The dizzy Aunt ------------------Verti Geaux The brother who loved prunes ------Gotta Geaux The brother with constipation problem--No Geaux The cousin who worked at a convenience store -----Stop n Geaux The grandfather from Yugoslavia ----U- Geaux The nephew from Illinois --------She Car Geaux The magician uncle ----------Where Diddy Geaux The Mexican cousin -----------A Me Geaux The Mexican cousin's American sister --Gring G...
August 13, 2005 by Dr Guy
Cajun Family Tree  -  The Geaux Family The dizzy Aunt ------------------Verti Geaux The brother who loved prunes ------Gotta Geaux The brother with constipation problem--No Geaux The cousin who worked at a convenience store -----Stop n Geaux The grandfather from Yugoslavia ----U- Geaux The nephew from Illinois --------She Car Geaux The magician uncle ----------Where Diddy Geaux The Mexican cousin -----------A Me Geaux The Mexican cousin's American sister --Gring G...
August 13, 2005 by Dr Guy
Recently I compared NARAL to PETA in that they are both sleazy organizations.  That still holds true.  But apparently NARAL is smarter than PETA and has canned their commincations director responsible for their bald face lie (they said he resigned - right "resign or you are fired"). David Seldin decided to call it quits (decided?) when NARAL pulled his ad.  If they had any ethics, they would have outright fired him.  And as for him, he says: "By leaving now I can spe...
August 12, 2005 by Dr Guy
A comment made by Gideon MacLeish about the abuses of CPS and then Baker made a statement about child brokering caused me to think. Now for those looking for facts and links, I will state there are none, just my opinion,  But one born of many years of observation and deductive reasoning.  Neither of which is empirical. But perhaps the zealousness of the CPS now is due to the very fact that adopting a child is so difficult as there are none to be adopted (actually very few) due to...
August 12, 2005 by Dr Guy
Here is a statement from Chucky (of movie fame) Schumer: " There would be at least a 28% benefit cut for a worker who is born five years from now, who retires at age 65, and who has average career earnings," the Schumer press release warns. "There would be at least a 42% benefit cut for a worker who is born five years from now, who retires at age 65, and who has career earnings that are 'the equivalent' of $59,000 in 2005." Ok, now lets look at the record.  Chucky Schumer has alr...
August 12, 2005 by Dr Guy
NARAL has decided to pull the Anti-John Roberts ads that were not misleading, they were outright lies.  But instead of doing the right thing, they did the wrong thing again!  What a bunch of slugs! They state: "We regret that many people have misconstrued our recent advertisement about Mr. Roberts' record," Misconstrued?  No one miscontrued this butcher attempt at a hatchet job!  YOU misconstrued!  That is the only misconstruel! "Unfortunately, the deba...
August 11, 2005 by Dr Guy
Texas has become the 4th state to have a minority gringo (my term) population.  California, NM and Hawaii are the other 3.  That is not surprising and indeed I doubt a big duh to most of us. But what I found most amusing about this article was the following: "If you look in the 1990s, in every one of the 50 states, non-Anglo Hispanic populations grew faster than Anglo populations," Murdock said. "It's a very pervasive pattern." Ok, so how many of you think this is a revel...
August 11, 2005 by Dr Guy
ON a blog, I told Philomedy (Philo for short, not Phil BTW) to shut up.  And I am sorry. I tried to find the offending passage, and could not.  I tried to remember where it was, and could not.  All I have to offer in my defense was that I was wrong!  And since I cannot find the thread, I want to offer a public appology.  And a special thanks to Philomedy! For he is a bigger man (you are a guy, right?) than I.  He said forget it, it was nothing.  But it wa...
August 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
This is about as much as they have told us.  But then we are just lowly employees!  and the local rag is just that a rag.  Do you think they would try some investigating? is the moon made of green cheese????
August 10, 2005 by Dr Guy
In their extreme hatred of anything Bush, NARAL has decided to run an ad that is not only a bald face lie, but is libelous as well.  In it, they accuse John Roberts of not only defending an Abortion Clinic Bomber, but in supporting the violence! The only grain of truth to that was 7 years before the jerk bombed the clinic, Roberts did file a brioef supporting his cause in another case (one eventually upheld by the SCOTUS 6-3). Instead, this ad treats us to not even innuendo of impropr...
August 9, 2005 by Dr Guy
Here are 2 headlines from that AP: "A 13-year-old giant panda gave birth to a cub at San Diego Zoo, but a second baby died in the womb, officials said Wednesday."--Associated Press, Aug. 3 "A cancer-ravaged woman robbed of consciousness by a stroke has given birth after being kept on life support for three months to give her fetus extra time to develop."--Associated Press, Aug. 3 Note both are from the same day.  Also note that an unborn panda is a baby, but a chil...
August 9, 2005 by Dr Guy
In what can only be described as stupidity, the Denver public LIbrary has decided to make 7 branches 'Hables Espaniol'.  They are banishing english books to the back rooms and going with a spanish motif. While this may seem like a 'feel good' policy, in actual fact it is just another attempt to keep a minority down.  It is stupidity at its worse. There is nothing wrong with speaking spanish.  Indeed, I speak a very little and my wife is also fluent in it.  But if Spanis...