Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Published on August 13, 2005 By Dr Guy In Politics

After promising to "leave this country" if George W Bush was re-elected, apparently, to no one's surprise, that was just talk and no action.

But official statistics show the number of Americans actually applying to live permanently in Canada fell in the six months after the election.

So in 08 when the liberals promise something, just remember, their word is about as useful as a swiss cheese rubber.

on Aug 13, 2005
Canadian officials think that the cold weather was the disinsentive.  However, I have it on good authority that they would not have noticed being cold hearted themselves.
on Aug 13, 2005
Canadian officials think that the cold weather was the disinsentive.

Perhaps it's because the Liberal Party in Canada is actually Conservative...
on Aug 13, 2005

Perhaps it's because the Liberal Party in Canada is actually Conservative...

Matter of degrees.  They are the MOST conservative in Canada, and are right of the liberals in America, but still left of the conservatives here in the USA.

on Aug 13, 2005
and here I was waiting breathlesly for a mass egress of liberals, darn it, I guess they have no concept of empty threats.
on Aug 13, 2005

and here I was waiting breathlesly for a mass egress of liberals, darn it, I guess they have no concept of empty threats.

No, that is what they know so well. Empty threats.  That is all they have after all.

on Aug 14, 2005
It's the typical liberal response. They lose so they run and cry. Is this surprising?
on Aug 14, 2005
#6 by Island Dog
Sunday, August 14, 2005

It's the typical liberal response. They lose so they run and cry. Is this surprising?

NO dog they SAY the will run and hide, but the damn critters stay and whine instead.
on Aug 14, 2005

It's the typical liberal response. They lose so they run and cry. Is this surprising?

Actually no.  But it does not hurt to remind people of what they said.

on Aug 14, 2005

NO dog they SAY the will run and hide, but the damn critters stay and whine instead.

Kind of like Rats, if you have seen NIMH.