Texas has become the 4th state to have a minority gringo (my term) population. California, NM and Hawaii are the other 3. That is not surprising and indeed I doubt a big duh to most of us.
But what I found most amusing about this article was the following:
"If you look in the 1990s, in every one of the 50 states, non-Anglo Hispanic populations grew faster than Anglo populations," Murdock said. "It's a very pervasive pattern."
Ok, so how many of you think this is a revelation? Show of hands please?
Now why do you think so? Please explain in the comments section.
Now why it is not a revelation.
Love us, hate us, denigrate us or just trash us, but most hispanics (90+%) are CATHOLIC. I.e., they do not believe in abortion, and do not believe in most birth control methods!
Now this is not to say that none do and that all are Catholic. This is not to say one way is better or not. This is not to say that we should all become Catholics or that we should all hate Catholics (altho if you are the latter - I suggest you watch out).
No, what this means is something I alluded to in a blog many many worlds ago! Those who support abortion are already alive. But your numbers are shrinking. Why? You are aborting your supporters!
Hispanics do not, as a generalization, believe in it. Hence they are now the number one minority in the US. How many states have a majority Black population?
I leave you with this final thought. Rights are a nice thing, but when there is no one left to exercise them, who cares?