Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Thanks to Gideon
Published on August 12, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

A comment made by Gideon MacLeish about the abuses of CPS and then Baker made a statement about child brokering caused me to think.

Now for those looking for facts and links, I will state there are none, just my opinion,  But one born of many years of observation and deductive reasoning.  Neither of which is empirical.

But perhaps the zealousness of the CPS now is due to the very fact that adopting a child is so difficult as there are none to be adopted (actually very few) due to abortion.

Abortion is legal up to and including the birth (PBA), and hence it is a conveneince in too many cases, not a necessity (regardless of the literature - and that is documentable).  But it means that Sally sue, decides she is mad at billy bob, and so she kills his child. Instead of allwowing it to be adopted by an infertile couple desperately wanting a child.

So what to do?  CPS!  Slip a bribe to one of their henchpersons and viola!  A child that is abused! (They let it cry for 15 minutes before feeding it - doubt that?  Check out Gids links).

So what has this 'abortion at any cost' mentality has now created a quasi black market in loved children.  No, NARAL is not behind this.  Any born baby is an anenthema to them.  No this is a consequence of people of good conscious, deciding that to restrict abortion for any reason is an assault on their rights.

And that is what is so sad.  For while most of the 'abortions at any cost' crowd will rail and decry this black market baby market, their reluctance to take a stand and say waht is acceptable and not is contributing to this crises.

While I am sure many can poo poo this opinion of mine, NONE can refute it with facts.  Why?  for the same reason I cannot prove it.  It is shrowded in secrecy and deception.  And broken hearts and lives.

You say that Abortion is the right of the mother, up to and including birth (and yes some even say post partum).  Yet you do nothing for the rights of the parents that have done nothing wrong except to 'blow bubbles' on their childs stomach.

How does that make you feel?  Trudy had an article about why humans do good.  I stated, and maintained it is because of the good feeling we get.  it is a narcotic.

So for all you pro choice people, read and think of this and decided how this whole sitauation makes you feel good.  I know there are deviants of the real human life that get a feel good from doing evil.  I would hope that it is not 50% of the population.  And in my opinion, I dont think it is.

You just have not thought this through.  There is no reason to abort a viable baby.  The health of the mother is never in question at that point.  The intelligence and life of the baby is.  And there are a lot of very desperate people willing to pay big bucks to get them, even going so far as to snatch a baby from a loving household for their own reasons.

I dont fault them as much as I do the kill the 'fetus'that has not been birthed crowd.

on Aug 12, 2005
I am fortunate in that CPS never came after me.  For that, I am thankful.
on Aug 12, 2005
There is no reason to abort a viable baby. The health of the mother is never in question at that point. The intelligence and life of the baby is. And there are a lot of very desperate people willing to pay big bucks to get them, even going so far as to snatch a baby from a loving household for their own reasons.

I've never agreed more with anything you ever said.
on Aug 12, 2005
You know, I've always leaned toward the pro woman's choice bandwagon on this, but I think you may have just steered me towards the middle. I think my previous thought process had been a little too self-centered, i.e. I'm young, what if I got a girl pregnant. I don't have to put up with nine months of pregnancy, so I don't think I'd go further than the middle, but that was a very good article. Thanks.
on Aug 12, 2005
oh and have an insightful
on Aug 12, 2005

I've never agreed more with anything you ever said.

That is the sad part.  For reasoning people will not disagree.  Those with a one track mind will.

on Aug 12, 2005

You know, I've always leaned toward the pro woman's choice bandwagon on this, but I think you may have just steered me towards the middle. I think my previous thought process had been a little too self-centered, i.e. I'm young, what if I got a girl pregnant. I don't have to put up with nine months of pregnancy, so I don't think I'd go further than the middle, but that was a very good article. Thanks.

I did not expect to sway any people.  But what you just said is the highest praise, no higher praise, than I expected.  I know we will not always be 100% in agreement, but I was not and am not looking for that.  But thoughtful people to pause and say "hmmmm".

And you just did.  Thank you.  Sincerely.

on Aug 12, 2005
I know two families that invested thousands of dollars in the effort to adopt a baby from southeast asia. If it were really true that all the babies aborted in the US were unwanted, that wouldn't happen.

The whole "putting up with 9 months of pregnancy" is something that people are never going to agree on. To me it is like putting up with having to care for a newborn. I suppose we only feel obligated to tolerate what we can pay other people to do for us.

In the end, though, it is a fallacy that aborted babies are unwanted. There are couples eagerly waiting on their chance to adopt a newborn, and I think it is shame people would rather discard the child than give them the chance.

Good article.
on Aug 14, 2005

The whole "putting up with 9 months of pregnancy" is something that people are never going to agree on. To me it is like putting up with having to care for a newborn. I suppose we only feel obligated to tolerate what we can pay other people to do for us.

The irony of this is that PBA means they already caried to term.  But ask NARAL about it, and they are unwanted.

No, in all seriousness, the only unwanted babies are those that are working for NARAL.  No one wanted them so they seek to make sure no others are born.

on Aug 14, 2005
That's WONDERFUL! Now mabye the third world country childern will find loving familys in such a great country! And I won't ever have to see one of those heart wrenching commericals of foriegn childern with flies buzzing about as they drink from water that looks to be dirtier then our sewage lines! What an excellent side effect...
on Aug 14, 2005
"I'm young, what if I got a girl pregnant."

Yes, heaven forbid we revert to a system of responsibility...
on Aug 16, 2005

And I won't ever have to see one of those heart wrenching commericals of foriegn childern with flies buzzing about as they drink from water that looks to be dirtier then our sewage lines! What an excellent side effect...

It wont happen as others will scream it is a new form of slavery.

on Aug 16, 2005

Unless of course, you were both naked and she fell, landing on your dick, causing an instant orgasm.

My Father's brothers sister in law's nephew had that happen to him.

on Aug 16, 2005

Yes, heaven forbid we revert to a system of responsibility...

I had no hopes of that happening in my life time.