Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Dr Guy's Articles » Page 130
October 31, 2004 by Dr Guy
Recently, I have been accused of some nasty things.  not real nasty, just kind of bad form.  And in all cases, I was innocent of the charges, but I could see, with a squint in my eyes, how the accuser could take it that way. For the record, let me state, what my topic avows.  I mean what I say, and I say what I mean.  That given, let me further indicate something about grammar. When one starts a new paragraph, that means one is usually on a new thought.  So when I ...
October 29, 2004 by Dr Guy
George Carlin has stepped into it again, or so says WalMart. The mega retailer will not sell his new book in stores due to (this is alleged) the cover which depicts a modified painting of the last supper with George Carlin in it. Now I am a religious person, but I found a link to the article on CNN, and I think the cover is a scream! As soon as I saw it I laughed. I have no idea what the book contains (When will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops), but knowing Carlin, it will be spiced with a lo...
October 28, 2004 by Dr Guy
First, Kudos to all you Red Sox fans. It has been a long wait. I am acually a Mets fan, so it has not been that long for me. But Curt Shilling epitomizes the way the game should be placed, like Cal Ripken and player of old. He actually had a tendon sewn in place just before going out and Saving a game against the Yankees! But this morning on Good Morning America, the hostess asked Curt Shilling how he was feeling, and he Answered in part: I want to remind everyone to go to the Polls T...
October 27, 2004 by Dr Guy
It has been alleged that if your are a republican, you are a racist, and the proof of that is that the south is now republican. The left tries to do this every election to keep the blacks safely in their voting fold, and for the past several elections, it has worked. Which is a pity since the best friend the blacks have are the republicans. The democrats that are racists, with few exceptions, remained in the democrat party and either retired or died. While some may point to Strom Thurmond as an ...
October 26, 2004 by Dr Guy
In September, we had Rathergate, forged documents that were proven forged by little old bloggers, not the 'main stream' media with their wealth of resources. We should have learned from that, then and there, that some members of the mainstream media were just not playing with an unbiased book. Indeed, CBS and Dan Rather have never apologized for the smear they tried to perpetrate. Now we appear to have caught the NY Times, that [sarcasm] bastion of non-partisanship [/sarcasm] with their pan...
October 22, 2004 by Dr Guy
In response to blogic's post of sooo many republicans defecting, here are a few Democrats that are not senile and have seen the way! Ed Koch, Former mayor of NYC Zell Miller, Senator from Ga, Retired Cong. Sonny Montgomery of Mississippi (and a lot of his other democrats - This is just plain silly and stupid. Blogic, next time, quote republicans, not independants! And you can match democrat for republican, as we can match republican...
October 21, 2004 by Dr Guy
After Myrannder's excellant post on his reasons for voting Kerry, and his reservations, I was struck by one particular comment he made. Or actually that he attributed to Kerry. SO I would like anyone interested to answer this purely hypothetical question. For the record, I doubt that we will ever get this finite an answer, but for this hypothetical, here are the facts: Medical Science has finally answered the question about when life begins. They are able to read the distinct uniqu...
October 19, 2004 by Dr Guy
While it is clear that the attempt at subterfuge with mentioning Mary Cheney's daughter backfired on him. As did Elizabeth Edwards equally crass remark about Lynn Cheney, and John Edwards all too stupid boast that the dead would walk once Kerry was elected, this latest form of stupidity apparently is not the Kerry/Edwards campaign's fault! But it does go to show what happens when snooty foreigners, who think they are better than Americans by virtue of their birth, get caught with their pa...
October 15, 2004 by Dr Guy
Draginol posted a blog about the old media jumping the shark awhile back. That was in reference to Dan Rather's fraud show, and his refusal to admit he was wrong. Well, for those of us who loved the Fonz, there was another show that basically could be called "I am John Kerry, and this is my life". In it The Fonz gave bad advice and then tried to fix it. But the only way he could fix it was by saying he was wrong. And he could not! He tried "I was wruuuuunnnn. I was wrunnn". But h...
October 14, 2004 by Dr Guy
After watching the debate last night, and then getting a good nights sleep, I read the transcript from the debate. What a difference a day makes! Actually, it was not the light of day that made me sit up and take notice, but the actual dearth of substantive answers John Kerry gave! During the debate, this was not always evident as he is a very glib and well spoken individual. But on reading the transcript, 2 things became obvious, that while I noticed during the debate, were magnified ...
October 12, 2004 by Dr Guy
Well, where was the denizens of truth and justice when Dan Rather did that hack job, fraught with fraud and forgery, on George Bush? Where were the keepers of the flame when Author Kitty Kelley prmoted her book on 3 days on NBC. A book so fraught with lies and half truths that even the purported source of her most scandalous item retracted her support? Where was the outrage when the lie-amentary from Michael Moore (proven to contain at least 59 falacies and so many half truths as the ca...
October 9, 2004 by Dr Guy
Another example of RIAA and MPAA trying to circumvent their already onerous laws. When will they learn? I freely admit that some do use P2P to download copyrighted materials. But the Internet did not start this. Indeed, they tried this lame excuse with Cassette tapes many years ago! And with all their assigned power to stop it, with gestapo tactics and storm trooper enforcement, they have not dented it. Why? Because the paradigm has shifted. Instead of embracing the new millea...
October 5, 2004 by Dr Guy
While it is undeniable that there are many good. well intentioned people on both sides of this election, there appears to be a disturbing trend developing. Over the last month we have been treated (and I use that word sarcastically) to incident after incident of hate and intolerance by one side of this national debate. Shots fired into Campaign headquarters. Houses vandalized and Nazi Swatikas set ablaze on lawns of supporters of one of the candidates. Peaceful protesters set upon and ...
September 30, 2004 by Dr Guy
The following was posted by an anonymous user called CroMag. However, I think it cuts to the chase of tonight's debate and the outcome of the election as a whole. This poster did not state his political persuasion, but his issues seem to cut across many lines. I credit him because I do not want anyone thinking I am plagarizing, or creating this on my own. I think, and I alluded to in someone else's thread, that tonight is THE Debate. That it would be decided tonight. This post backs...
September 28, 2004 by Dr Guy
Many in this forum have talked about how there should be a 'living wage', or an increase in the minimum wage. They expound on the noble virtues that would accompany such a government mandated porgram. (Government mandated since none who promote it seem to own businesses, and therefore cannot implement it themselves). For those who still fail to grasp economics 101, I have a 3 part test. #1: 2 boys come by your house and offer to cut your yard. One wants $10, the other one wants $20....