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But it is California after all
Published on January 27, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

The idiot who killed 11 people in Los Angeles trying to commit suicide is now being charged with Murder, as well it should be.  However, the news stories are now saying he 'may get the death penalty'.

Excuse me?  Wasn't he trying to commit suicide anyway?  Isn't that like telling him his wish will come true?

That sorry excuse for human flesh should get life without parole!  And his cell should be decorated with the pictures of the dead!  Dont rush off to give him his final request.  Make him think about it for the next 30-40 years!

on Jan 27, 2005
Make him think about it for the next 30-40 years!

Think??? Like he can?

on Jan 27, 2005

He changed his mind and bolted from the Jeep apparently. Maybe this could be a "be careful what you wish for" thing. They'll not get first degree murder for this, since he didn't intend his act to kill anyone but him. Without first degree murder, I'm seriously doubting he'd even get life in California.

Premeditation is the big factor in cases like this. They'll show that he had no way of knowing that the two other trains would have been involved, and that people do it all the time and no one but them gets killed. And that's ignoring the fact they'll say he is nuts for wanting to kill himself in the first place.

on Jan 27, 2005

Premeditation is the big factor in cases like this. They'll show that he had no way of knowing that the two other trains would have been involved, and that people do it all the time and no one but them gets killed. And that's ignoring the fact they'll say he is nuts for wanting to kill himself in the first place.

Unfortunately, I have to agree with you.  Maybe next time the idiot can jump off a bridge as you cant change your mind on the way down, and no one mourns for dead fish.

on Jan 27, 2005
this fella is so dumb maybe the dems should elect him there national leader instead of howard {meltdown} dean. bewahahahahahahah
on Jan 27, 2005

this fella is so dumb maybe the dems should elect him there national leader instead of howard {meltdown} dean. bewahahahahahahah

Given some of the responses on another article I wrote, I think they would!  {{{{shudder}}}}