Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Or Common Sense
Published on January 28, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Walmart has decided to extend the term Immediate Family to include Gay Civil Unions where they are the law.  Gay Rights Activist are hailing them, and of course Conservative Christian Groups are decrying it.

How do you feel about it?

For the record, I applaud Walmart on 2 levels.  Philosophically, because for many Gay Unions, they are as close as a family and consideration to issues dealing with each partner. And Practically, they have just avoided a bunch of lawsuits!

Is it any wonder they are number 1? Even if they are a big evil dirty profiteering corporation!  Exploiting the poor masses for the enrichment of their stock holders!  Those rich fat cats!

Oh,. wait!  My IRA is in WalMart!

Seriously, I think this is one very smart move!  My Wife hates Wally world, and I do too!  But I am glad My Mutual fund does not listen to my prejudices!

on Jan 29, 2005
Good for Walmart.
on Jan 29, 2005
On the whole issue of "benefits for gay couples" I come down on the side of the rights of Wal~Mart board of directors to run their company as they see fit. If they figure that extending the benefit to same sex couples, heterosexual "significant other" or even "to whom it may concern", is the best way to bring Wal~Mart through the 21st century, more power to them. In the end, the Gay Rights groups, Christian coalition, Wal~mart management, associates, and customers will also get to make their own choices on how to react to it... and let the political chips fall where they may.
on Jan 29, 2005

On the whole issue of "benefits for gay couples" I come down on the side of the rights of Wal~Mart board of directors to run their company as they see fit. If they figure that extending the benefit to same sex couples, heterosexual "significant other" or even "to whom it may concern", is the best way to bring Wal~Mart through the 21st century, more power to them. In the end, the Gay Rights groups, Christian coalition, Wal~mart management, associates, and customers will also get to make their own choices on how to react to it... and let the political chips fall where they may.

Very true.  That is why I think it was a very practical decision.  Lawsuits can get expensive!  Whether noble or just bottom line, I think it was the right decision.

on Jan 29, 2005

Well, since most "eligible" Walmart employees need to spend about 1/4 of their take home pay to afford Walmart's health insurance, it's almost a dead issue.

But seriously, I think it is neither good nor bad. Walmart is a corporation, and as such, has the right to make business decisions about its employees. This is one such decision, and it may set the pace for other large businesses.

ON THE OTHER HAND....WalMart's pissed off the left with their labor policies. Now they're pissing off the right with their benefits policies (yet both will likely continue to shop there, but I digress)...bads diplomatic

on Jan 29, 2005

ON THE OTHER HAND....WalMart's pissed off the left with their labor policies. Now they're pissing off the right with their benefits policies (yet both will likely continue to shop there, but I digress)...bads diplomatic

ROFL!  No, they just pissed me off because they could not deliver something in 3 weeks!  But you are right.

But I still say they are smart!  You dont get to be a 250B company by being stupid!  Noble or sensible, they made the right decision.

on Feb 03, 2005
So Gay Americans don't deserve healthcare? Their children don't deserve insurance protection? That's real Christian, huh? Don't feed them, clothe them, give them water - hate them!

Unless your 401k can be helped by it.
on Feb 03, 2005

So Gay Americans don't deserve healthcare? Their children don't deserve insurance protection? That's real Christian, huh? Don't feed them, clothe them, give them water - hate them!

Unless your 401k can be helped by it.

What kind of troll are you?  Where did anyone say they dont deserve healthcare?  Can you read E-N-G-L-I-S-H?

Go troll somewhere else, or start a reading comprehension class.