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Group wants to Ban Hammer and Sickle
Published on February 3, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

As part of the 60th anniversay of the freeing of Auschitz, the EU wants to ban the Swastika from all of Europe.  Given that for the most part that is already being done (skin heads being the exception), a group from some Eastern European nations want to also ban the symbols of communism.  The Hammer and Sickle.

I think banning both would be a good idea, with certian exceptions (historial representations being the most obvious and perhaps only).  Both resulted in millions and millions of deaths and oppression of half of europe over their period of use.  It will be interesting to see if Western Europe goes along with their brothers in the east and ban both sets of symbols, not just the swastika.

Let us hope the 'politically correct' of europe are not as far gone as some of their current policies would indicate.

on Feb 03, 2005
I want the peace symbol and the finger peace sign banned....

J/K lol
on Feb 03, 2005
As long as they aren't banned here, then fine. Europe can do what it wants, I suppose.
on Feb 03, 2005

I want the peace symbol and the finger peace sign banned....

Is that the single finger piece sign?

on Feb 03, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Thursday, February 03, 2005I want the peace symbol and the finger peace sign banned....Is that the single finger piece sign?

nope than annoying one the war protesters use. the usta be v for victory one.
on Feb 03, 2005
It's idiotic. My friend went to Germany a few years back and brought back pictures of at least two immense Nazi memorabilia collections that people he work with owned. He hadn't met a skinhead til he visited Germany, and there were tons in the factory he was there to work consult. nazi symbolism have been banned there for 50+ years

Banning a symbol is meaningless. Germany is chocked full of racists, so is the US, and France, and any number of nations, and the number doesn't seem to be effected by banning the swastika.

Given that Native Americans and any number of groups used almost identical symbols, and didn't to off and slaughter Jews, I think it was the sentiment of the time that had more to do with it. Unfortunately the Frogs haven't been able to do much about that, since Anti-Semitism is rife in their government.

on Feb 03, 2005

nope than annoying one the war protesters use. the usta be v for victory one.

It is also the symbol for my wife's nephew who was killed in 93 by a drunk driver.  His parents use it for the memorial fund raiser in his memory each year. I think I will keep it.

on Feb 03, 2005

Banning a symbol is meaningless. Germany is chocked full of racists, so is the US, and France, and any number of nations, and the number doesn't seem to be effected by banning the swastika.

Symbols, like words are meant to hurt.  Banning them will not stop the bigotry, just the constant reminder to those who suffered.  That is the reason, not to try to stop the hate,  it wont, but to stop the constant pain.