Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Dr Guy's Articles » Page 103
May 31, 2005 by Dr Guy
Now, in what can only be called a comedic opera, Physicians in England, where there is one of the strictest gun control laws on this planet, are calling for the banning of knives!  Yep, no more apple paring or steak eating.  The English want to ban knives. A team from West Middlesex University Hospital said violent crime is on the increase--and kitchen knives are used in as many as half of all stabbings. They argued many assaults are committed impulsively, prompted by alcohol...
May 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
Yes, so the argument goes.  Some do not believe that a fetus (zygote/embryo) is a person.  Some do not. In the end, this is not about those difference.  this is about LIFE. Ok, so how many of you would sacrafice your child to prolong your life? Show of hands please. Ok, so how many of you would sacrafice my child's life to prolong your life? Show of hands again. So who wants my body? That is what we are talking about.  I will not debate whether you are ri...
May 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
I have seen the statements and diatribes and blogs on Multi culterism,  and all are fine and ok. But I live it!  Every day!  My neighborhood has a muslim family, some blacks, a retired wasp, a Redneck one, Japanese and a Korean one (and also a half way house for wayward girls, although it is not declared as such). And you know what?  WHile the japanese and Koreans hiss and sputter at each other, my neighbors are dating each other!  Yep!  The Korean (all names ...
May 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
Not a big blog. Just a sarcastic response to who is killing more.  Muslims or Christians. Big debate, but in the end. I guess some people dont call for murder, and some do.  And so do some atheist. And as a Christian nation, we allow them to do so. Why?  because unlike them, we do respect life.  They dont, we do. And that is the difference.
May 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
I thought of filing this under current events as it is one.  But this is just too stupid to go there, so I will file it under humor! A chicken fined for crossing the road?  LOL And the owners won based upon it was a pet, not a fowl! is this a fowl bawl?  Must be! You know what makes America great? Court cases like this!  For they make us laugh and then realize, laws are stupid!(most of them). So the Chicken gets off scott free! Guess I will be eating beef...
May 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
I thought of filing this under current events as it is one.  But this is just too stupid to go there, so I will file it under humor! A chicken fined for crossing the road?  LOL And the owners won based upon it was a pet, not a fowl! is this a fowl bawl?  Must be! You know what makes America great? Court cases like this!  For they make us laugh and then realize, laws are stupid!(most of them). So the Chicken gets off scott free! Guess I will be eating beef...
May 29, 2005 by Dr Guy
In Virginia, we have a new mayor for the city of Richmond. He is the former Governor Of Virginia. Doug Wilder (Lawrence Douglas Wilder). I think he is the best thing to happen to the city in over 30 years (my tenure here).  He already is pissing off alot of people and shaking things up. But in the whole time I have been aware of his political life (he was Lt. Governor and a member of the House of Delegates and State Senate), he has always had a guy named Paul Goldman at his beck and call...
May 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
For anyone out there that does now know what they are, they are Bratwurst!  Not sausages, Brats!  I fell in love with them when I was in germany oh about - a long time ago! Since returning to the states, I have not had a good one (I almost did, my boss went to Wisconsin and promised to send some.  he did not!). But we survive on the local version of them, and my oldest son loves them (he got that from me!).  So we did Brats today on the Grill.  Just him and I (my w...
May 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
Yep!  I took my oldest son to see it.  he is not the movie nut my youngest is, but he really wanted to see it as well. I looked for things I did not notice in the first, but I really did not notice a lot.  Other than the Padme dialog is getting old very fast.  And sorry Texas, I still did not sympathize with either Anakin/Vader or Palpatine/Sidius.  They were just evil.  I say Eeeeevvvvviiiiiilllllll! So now that I have agreed with Texas Wahine, Stevendedalus,...
May 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
Yep!  The french have decided that an EU is not in their interest.  Which leaves Japan and the US (and soon China) to eclipse the old world. Why does this not surprise me? Why is it seem so obvious?  read and Weep. And SPM, repel those damn frogs! Turmoil as Chirac plots to disregard 'non' vote By Philip Webster and Charles Bremner PRESIDENT CHIRAC of France is preparing to throw Europe into confusion and put Britain on the spot by backing moves to keep the European...
May 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
I am going to do a Doc Miler and post this as is.  because there is not a lot I can add other than I totally agree with it! May 19, 2005, 8:10 a.m. Invasion of the America Snatchers Europe invades. Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online Huge chunks of the American population have been body-snatched by zomboid creatures from Canada, or possibly — shudder — Europe. That’s the only conclusion one can draw from the latest monumental study from the Pew Center for the People and the ...
May 28, 2005 by Dr Guy
Big Ben stopped ticking for an hour a half Friday night. The time that drives the world, came to a screeching halt.  But at least they were able to restart it (be still my stopped heart). Come on you Englophiles!  get with the program and fix the grand old man!  I really dont want to stop the planet and get off again soon!
May 27, 2005 by Dr Guy
Australia Police Accidentally Train Dogs to Sniff Out Talcum Powder The Associated Press CANBERRA, Australia- Fair warning for all those planning to sneak talcum powder into Australia: The cops will be waiting. Seven police sniffer dogs have failed to ferret out cocaine for the simple reason that the sample used to train them over the past three months was talcum powder, Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Paul Evans said Friday. "I'm sure our dogs have got very soft, nice smelling...
May 27, 2005 by Dr Guy
FEMALE INTERVIEWER: So, General Reinwald, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?   GENERAL REINWALD: We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery, and shooting.   FEMALE INTERVIEWER: Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?   GENERAL REINWALD: I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range.   FEMALE INTERVIEWER: Don't you...
May 27, 2005 by Dr Guy
FEMALE INTERVIEWER: So, General Reinwald, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?   GENERAL REINWALD: We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery, and shooting.   FEMALE INTERVIEWER: Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?   GENERAL REINWALD: I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range.   FEMALE INTERVIEWER: Don't you...