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It is to laugh!
Published on May 27, 2005 By Dr Guy In Current Events

Australia Police Accidentally Train Dogs to Sniff Out Talcum Powder

The Associated Press

CANBERRA, Australia- Fair warning for all those planning to sneak talcum powder into Australia: The cops will be waiting.

Seven police sniffer dogs have failed to ferret out cocaine for the simple reason that the sample used to train them over the past three months was talcum powder, Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Paul Evans said Friday.

"I'm sure our dogs have got very soft, nice smelling noses at the moment, but they are in fact trained in detecting talcum powder so that means that they will have to be retrained in detecting cocaine," he told reporters.

Evans said police did not believe cocaine had been stolen and blamed an administrative error for the mix-up. Internal investigations have been launched both within Victoria police and the Australian Federal Police.

"If there are any missing kids out there, we'd find them fairly quickly, I should think," Evans quipped.


Damn!  Now I have to check my talcum at the gate!

on May 27, 2005
Yeah makes you wonder why the illegal shipment of cocaine went through our airports the time Schapelle Corby was arrested for posessing pot in Bali? Coincidence? Just shows how corrupt our forces are. Shame.
on May 27, 2005

Yeah makes you wonder why the illegal shipment of cocaine went through our airports the time Schapelle Corby was arrested for posessing pot in Bali? Coincidence? Just shows how corrupt our forces are. Shame.

Well, I was not linking Schapelle to this.  But Good luck on that quest.  Even the American Media is saying it is a frame up.  And they are usually too stupid to realize that!

Just dont take my talcum when I come down to demonstrate for Schapelle!