Seriously. They cost what, a few bucks? And they fail almost without fail! So what are they good for? Take them down and they die! I was listening to one of the fill ins on a talk show and he was ranting about them. A caller said the reason is that the leads are cheap (ok, so are the lights) and that the reason they fail is they corrode so fast. Given how many we replaced this year, and how many failed, I think he is right. These Christmas lights are ...
Yea, we were crowing back in aught 3 when Isabel tore us a new one and we lost power for 10 days. While our neighbors took cold showers, we had hot ones. But with the run up in gas prices (both liquid and gaseous ones), it has not been cheap. Right now we are paying around $3/gal for propane. But as it was only 2 of us, no big deal. Until today. Our hot water heater died. They do that. So you spend a few bucks and get a new one. Or you get a tan...
Hey Admins. JU burped and posted an article before I was finished. Now, I cannot edit or delete it. Sure would be nice to be able to do either. I undersand about the Anon ban, but the handcuffs on the registered users? Oh Great Zoomba, hear my Plea! And take pity on your poor lost soul! Amen.
Yea, I have been around. Kind of. Enough to read Kelly's Masterpiece! And a couple of other entries. But not much. ANd not all (appologies to those I missed). WHy? Well, some know that my son is here and my time with him is of premium importance (and for those keeping a stop watch, it is after midnight so stuff it). But what none know, (well a couple) until now is my wife has been on a jihad to make 100 tamales! It is the traditional food f...
Ok, I know there are a lot of differences (and I am oh so glad for that), but this is just one I have noted. Not even recently, but about 34 years ago. Some may find this insightful, others will go "ho-hum" and others will go "No way you stupid jerk!". WHatever your reaction, that is fine. As I am male, I may be wrong, so this is my disclaimer. This is my perception. I have been faced with several cathartic moments in my life. Being 50, that is not surprisi...
*** Congratulations to fbaggins for Winning the NOVEMBER Trivia Challenge! *** Fbaggins becomes the first person other than Dr. Guy and Gideon to win a month! Other top 10 players are: 1. fbaggins (299 points, 2 wins) 2. ssnmg (276 points, 2 wins) 3. DaneelOlivlaw (248 points, 4 wins) 4. drguy (247 points, 3 wins) 5. MarcieHelen (246 points, 4 wins) 6. locamama (229 points, 3 wins) 7. JUGenghisHank (224 points, 3 wins) 8. gideon (217 points, 2 wins) 9. Zoologist03 ...
How do you sound? What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Midland "You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio. Philadelphia ...
My male servant showed me your blog. And do I have some advice for you! first, grab that key board! Then you can type your own messages! Like I am doing now. Next, running is fun! My female and male servants like to chase me. They get tired after awhile, but then get mad at each other. Something about "who left the door open" or some such stuff. But when the door is open, I zoom into the yard and then have to check out everything. I have never s...
A while back, a certain prima donna decided to rip off one of my articles. She had to misquote it to do it, but she asked "where are all the Liberals at JU". I did not even realize it was a rip off (seems to be her only forte these days) until Brad wrote a rebuttal. Eh? So what. So what? It seems now she is calling the tunes. No longer satisfied to be queen bee, now she has to dictate to the rest of Ju who they can talk to and who they cannot. It seem...
Xythe Wrote an article about how the Internet helped him unlearn prejudice. And I must say I am impressed that he could recognize the fault, and even more that he overcame it. It is sad that so many cannot, and never do. But this is not about that really. This is about a "sister" I met on line. Sister as in sibling, not as in "hey sister!". I have always had a plethora of sisters. 4 (or 5) now, and I think my mother has stopped counting. But several year...
Several months ago, I told you about the notification problem. At the time I had some info, but not a lot to give you. I think I have more. Since the advent of the new Forums (they are great! BTW), I have noticed a dearth of email notifications. And in all cases it appears to be when someone posts a response in the forums, we do not get a notification that a response has been posted (from the JU side). Wincustomize, and the others seem to be working fine, it is ju...
For you working stiffs (Mason excepted), you may not know it but in 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue and discovered America on October 9th. Why? cause it is a Monday! As they say, leave it to a man to sail in the wrong direction, get where he was not going, and not realize he was lost! Thus was born Columbus day (even though we are named for Amerigo Vespucci - at least he knew where he was not). And a Holiday for Banks, the Feds, and States (and some students)....
Amazing the difference a boss makes! I did not realize how empty was my work spirit until "The Captain" left and I was on my own. And given the lack of communication, I had a lot of catching up to do on the 'black hole' areas. Those I was not allowed to administer, even though it was part of my job (leave that to the Wormtongue that left before the captain). In the last 2 weeks we have done more, and fixed more than in the previous 6 months (ok, that might be a slight exager...
Yea, it has happened. My former troll has decided I am the lesser of 2 weevils. And he has told his old boss, yea, I am OK. So now, instead of a regular job (with occasional OT), I am on call! Why? Because they want me to take over for the troll! I am going to have to think long and hard on this. Right now, I like my job. But I don't like being called on my off time. They are not paying me enough for that. We will see. Why cant the trol...
Yea, I am just smiling and laughing. And with tutoring, not a lot of time to blog. But just wanted to say hi to everyone (especially the Masons, Dyna and Mason). My wife is swamped! The other PL is out for the next 2 months! SO I am tutoring her student! I am a lousy tutor! But we are managing to survive! I am not a merry man (Worf)! But I will survive to Tutor! Damn that is hard! later!