Debate, and discuss, just dont Bore me.
Or Zoomba if he is now doing the maintenance
Published on October 9, 2006 By Dr Guy In Blogging

Several months ago, I told you about the notification problem.  At the time I had some info, but not a lot to give you.  I think I have more.

Since the advent of the new Forums (they are great! BTW), I have noticed a dearth of email notifications.  And in all cases it appears to be when someone posts a response in the forums, we do not get a notification that a response has been posted (from the JU side).  Wincustomize, and the others seem to be working fine, it is just the responses in the Forums.

Thought you would want to know.  But all else is going great!  Love the new style and options!  You are the man (or men if Zoomba reads this).

on Oct 09, 2006

Ya,  guess I noticed and yet it didn't register....also wondering why HC is close to the top when she hasn't blogged since April?   how does that work??


on Oct 09, 2006

also wondering why HC is close to the top when she hasn't blogged since April? how does that work??

I think that is just kind of squirrely,  I am just trying to help T-man debug the site.  Geek stuff! hehehehehe

on Oct 09, 2006

I think that is just kind of squirrely, I am just trying to help T-man debug the site. Geek stuff! hehehehehe

well I was thinking it's kind of squirrely too....geek stuff indeed,  more like it takes you guys with brains!

on Oct 10, 2006

more like it takes you guys with brains!

Or with no personality.