My male servant showed me your blog. And do I have some advice for you! first, grab that key board! Then you can type your own messages! Like I am doing now.
Next, running is fun! My female and male servants like to chase me. They get tired after awhile, but then get mad at each other. Something about "who left the door open" or some such stuff. But when the door is open, I zoom into the yard and then have to check out everything. I have never seen leaves all these pretty colors. I wonder if my servants are coloring them for me, and bringing them down so I can sniff them.
But when they try to get close, I run away! They are slow. I wonder why. They are bigger. My brothers and sisters are bigger than me, and faster! But they dont care if I sniff their territories. I think they like to see my servants running after me.
My favorite 2 places are under the shed and behind the bushes. They are too big to get into either. Have you run outside yet? Sniff the air. Something is happening, that I have never seen before. Is it normal? I have seen the trees and bushes green and with a bunch of pretty things on them, but not yellow and red and brown. Hmmm, maybe they are changing the colors so they can see me better?
They dont let me out much. But I run through their legs and out into the yard. But they dont feed me out there, so I eventually have to come back to eat. Then they say "bad kitty" and shake their finger at me. They do that when I eat my brother and sisters food too. They say "stinky cat!" and hold their nose. I dont notice anything! But the big cat food is a lot tastier than mine.
Next time my servants are not looking, I will send you a new picture of me. Mrowww! I am feeling flushed and amorous right now. Are you in the neighborhood? I feel like twining.
Uh, oh, here comes the big male servant. gotta go!
email me at Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr