George Carlin has stepped into it again, or so says WalMart. The mega retailer will not sell his new book in stores due to (this is alleged) the cover which depicts a modified painting of the last supper with George Carlin in it. Now I am a religious person, but I found a link to the article on CNN, and I think the cover is a scream! As soon as I saw it I laughed. I have no idea what the book contains (When will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops), but knowing Carlin, it will be spiced with a lo...
I hope that breaks the 'our Gang' Curse. I had serious reservations about his guilt as well, but then I did not sit through the evidence.
Well, I finally did finish the book and then went out this past week and bought House Harkonnen. That might be a testament to how good it was, and on its own and forgetting who his father was and what he wrote (Brian not Kevin), it was not a bad story. But it was very clear that it also could not stand alone as too many threads were left hanging (and hence why I bought the next one and started reading it already). For those Familiar with the Dune series, this is a prequel, and a pretty goo...
Sorry Zoomba, This movie sucked big time! WHy? Ok, everyone not seeing it get the hell out of here! Go Scat! Shoo! Why? Because the conversion of Anakin was so lame! It really sucked! As a Jedi (almost master), he knew the evil of the Sith lord, and yet he just said "duh! oh, okay!". That blew it for me. The special effects were great, the story was sad, and his conversion jsut sucked monke...
Yep! I took my oldest son to see it. he is not the movie nut my youngest is, but he really wanted to see it as well. I looked for things I did not notice in the first, but I really did not notice a lot. Other than the Padme dialog is getting old very fast. And sorry Texas, I still did not sympathize with either Anakin/Vader or Palpatine/Sidius. They were just evil. I say Eeeeevvvvviiiiiilllllll! So now that I have agreed with Texas Wahine, Stevendedalus,...
Place the couple with the show: 1. Fred and Ethel Mertz A. Happy Days B. I Love Lucy C. Good Times D. The Honeymooners 2. Jerry and Millie Helper A. My Three Sons B. Leave it to Beaver C. Dick Van Dyke Show D. I Love Lucy 3. Jefferson and Marcie D'Arcy A. All in the Family B. Family Matters C. Married with Children D. Full House 4. George and Martha Wilson A. Flintstones B. Who's the Boss C. Dennis the Menace D. The Jefferson's 5. Rodger and Kay Addison ...
Over the past couple of days, several bloggers here about have royally trashed Kenny G. Almost to the point of hanging him in effigy. Am I weird? I personally find his music very soothing and relaxing (I dont want to listen to it 24x7, but elected songs now and then sure are nice). Am I the only one that likes Kenny G? And if you dont like him, what dont you like about him? Inquiring fans want to know!
My Son and I just saw Hostel. It was rated R. It should have been NC17! The only thing that may have (may have since the MPAA probably was to stupid to begin with) saved it from the higher rating was that it actually had a plot. A stupid one, but it did have one. I have seen Texas Chain Saw Masacre, Wolf Creek, and so many slasher movies that I am immune to them. Or so I thought. No, this one is worse! It has no redeeming qualities! Pure sadism!...
Ok, we know that Doc Miler is a Steelers' fan. I still like him, even with that flaw. Actually, I was rooting for the Steelers as well since my team was not in it. But for many people the reason to watch the SuperBowl are the commercials. At $5 million per minute, the advertisers want you to remember their commercials and products! So in case you had to take a potty break (I did during half time as that was a bore), and missed a few, follow the link and you should...
For a change, the Academy Awards were not another Political side show with actors and actress barely able to articulate their names without queue cards bashing everyone who did not believe that their every utterance was an epiphany. Or so it seemed at the time. But there was another battle going on. That of Brokeback Mountain. And while some raved about it and said how ground breaking and deep it was, most people yawned and went about their lives. And on Oscars night, ...
Another Hollywood person died this weekend. But this one was special. At least to me. Patricia Neal had a fine career. Not one of headlines that we are constantly bombarded with as some of the "stars" today like to do. But one of grace, beauty and competence that enriched our lives. She was one of the few stars that seemed to love her work for the work, and allowed us to escape on an occasional Saturday from the mundane to the world of make believe She won an Oscar for Hu...
Yes, it is that time again! Test your knowledge of TV theme songs. Not as easy as it looks! At least forme. I got 13 of 15. I should say that the 2 I got wrong, I never watched. But then there was a couple of others I did not watch, just knew as well. At least I did not get 100%.
Any "Silence of the Lambs" out there? If so, dont see this movie. Because as horrible as the earlier ones are (Silence, red Dragon), this one is not. Except for the cannibalism. SPOILER WARNING! Read no Further if you dont want to be spoiled on the movie. Ok, still here (all 1 of you?)? The origin of Hannibal is in 1944 Lithuania. The eastern front. Some Lithuanians, trying to break free of Russia, have hooked up with some Germans. ...
No big article, just a link to Majel and an interview with her on the 40th. I hope all the trekkies read it. It is actually very enlightening! I miss Gene, but not as much as Majel!
Yea, I am yelling! They write an article about Star Trek, and get it wrong! I mean, they are supposed to be about getting the story right! And this is no minor blooper, this one hits any fan like a ton of bricks! The 40th anniversary finds the venerable sci-fi franchise at a crossroads. "Enterprise" was canceled after only four seasons and the last "Trek" film, "Insurrection," was a critical and box office disappointment. Ok, so who is a Trekkie? See the bloope...